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Posts posted by Archer

  1. i'd like to note that giving your characters stuff like psychosis, shizo, ptsd, suicidal behavior etc can and likely will result in a discharge/eval icly, as the federation wouldn't accept these kind of people aswell as criminals

  2. i don't really have a good answer for your suggestion as of now because the whole isssue is fairly big enough for me to tackle right now.

    i've got some clarification for you though, generally the event runner makes his helpers s2m at medium to long distance and s2k up close, unless they're roleplaying, i.e. not doing 'dumb' things. let me elaborate.


    in your first example, you moved a corpse with the bombs ticking on it away. you got no responce, which mainly happens when admins are busy managing 6 /reports at once and also spawning things for the rest to be entertained. however, if you'd get a responce, i imagine the fact you took a risk would be pointed out. the question is, was moving the bomb necessary to save someone? one thing is when it's lying on the middle of a road threatening nobody that got out of the blast zone, and another when it's in a room full of POWs, or important data you're required to obtain. in the second case, the wound, if you'd recieve one, would likely be more lax as it was somewhat of a forced choice: risk and win or play it safe and fail the mission. i hope i'm making it clear so far.


    now, this was to better illustrate your second example and the reaction to it. as i've said, most admins allow s2k for helpers at short range. taking that into account, and the fact you singlehandedly (from what i understand) rushed a barricade with multiple enemies watching your approach, likely warranted the responce you've gotten. admins allow players to have their minute of fame, as it helps the character building, but there're things allowing which would be completely illogical, such as your character advancing into not one, but multiple lines of fire with no protection or help from his comrades. chances of surviving that are slim, and i imagine taking this barricade was not vital, for example, the platoon was pinned and you were the lucky guy who was not spotted yet, thus allowing you to make this daring move. in this case, i believe, the admins'd agree to play it out fully.


    last thing to note, that rolls are often disregarded in certain circumstances, such as rolls being made for shots at pointblank range. rolling against arachnids, such as rolling to get out of a warrior's jaw grip, will be ignored too - in some circumstances it won't, for example, ducking down to avoid the hopper's decapitating pass.


    to sum it up - risk's allowed and encouraged, but with risk comes responsibility. it's a dangerous thing, and it's your choice whether to risk your char for something or not. remember that sometimes you or the entire playerbase will be forced to risk, see the bomb and mission critical data example above; another example is a tanker cornering your group in a room with no way out, so naturally, you risk to run past it, stay and die, or try to disable it somehow, perhaps distract it. 

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