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Posts posted by Nyx

  1. Theme







    Basic Information:

    Name: Claire Lillith Øyvind
    Age: 26
    D.O.B: April 21st
    Gender: Female
    Role(s): Designated Marksmen
    Kin: None
    Homeworld: Kjøllefjord, Norway, Terra
    Hair color: Blonde
    Eye color: Blue
    Build: Mesomorphic

    Status: MIA - Presumed Dead

    Current Rank: 

    Specialist (DMR)


    Rank Progression:

    Rct > Pvt > Pfc > Spc > SSpc > MSpc > Cpl > LCpl > MSgt > LCpl > [RE-ENLISTED] > Pfc > Spc.

    Misc. Attributes:

    Is a bitch.

    Character Description:
    A 5ft. 7in female, with pale, freckled skin. She has blonde hair, and blue eyes. She has numerious scars covering her body. Her build is mesomorphic.

    Joining the 112th.
    Literally everything.
    Not saying goodbye to Haerne.

    Leaving the 112th.






    General Specialization Ribbon



    Mobile Infantry Veterancy Ribbon



    Mobile Infantry Service Ribbon



    Prisoner of War Ribbon



    Purple Heart



    Operation Omega Ribbon



    Operation Lambda Ribbon



    Operation Restoring Hope Ribbon





    Mobile Infantry Cross

    (Posthumously Awarded)



    Distinguished Service Medal



    Valorous Unit Medal



    Meritorious Unit Award











    __________________Claire Lillith Øyvind_________________


    1. Declaration

    I hereby declare that this is my last will and testament and that I hereby revoke, cancel and annul all wills and codicils previously made by me either jointly or severally. I declare that I am of legal age to make this will and of sound mind and that this last will and testament expresses my wishes without undue influence or duress.


    2. Appointment of Executors

    3.1. I hereby nominate, constitute and appoint Hana Weaver as Executor or if this Executor is unable or unwilling to serve then I appoint Franco Sorrentino as alternate Executor.

    3.2. I hereby give and grant the Executor all powers and authority as are required or allowed in law, and especially that of assumption.

    3.3. I hereby direct that my Executors shall not be required to furnish security and shall serve without any bond.

    3.4. Pending the distribution of my estate my Executors shall have authority to carry on any business, venture or partnership in which I may have any interest at the time of my death.

    3.5. My Executors shall have full and absolute power in his/her discretion to sell all or any assets of my estate, whether by public auction or private sale and shall be entitled to let any property in my estate on such terms and conditions as may be acceptable to my beneficiaries.

    3.6. My Executors shall have authority to borrow money for any purpose connected with the liquidation and administration of my estate and to that end may encumber any of the assets of my estate.


    4. Guardian



    5. Beneficiary

    I bequeath the whole of my estate, property and effects, whether movable or immovable, wheresoever situated and of whatsoever nature to Hana Weaver.


    6. Alternate Beneficiaries

    6.1. Should my beneficiary die within thirty (30) days, then and in that event, I direct that the whole of my estate, property and effects, whether movable or immovable, wheresoever situated and of whatsoever nature shall devolve as follows:

    Franco Sorrentino

    Garret Swift

    Ezarath Cazernovia


    7. Special Requests

    I direct that on my death my remains shall be cremated and all cremation expenses shall be paid out of my estate. I also wish to keep my silver cross amulet with me to the end.


    8. Personal Items


    8.1. - I bequeath an amount of 1,000 credits to Garret Swift. Buy a few drinks for yourself. It's on me.


    8.2. - I bequeath my wealth to Hana Weaver, if she is to survive me. If not, I split my wealth in two, to be given to both Franco Sorrentino and Ezarath Cazernovia. If one survives the other, their portion will go to the 112th Mobile Infantry. If both perish, I bequeath my full wealth to the 112th Mobile Infantry.


    8.3. - I bequeath my wooden bracelet to Hana Weaver if she is to survive me. If not, it will go to Franco Sorrentino. If he too is not to survive me, it will go to Ezarath Cazernovia.


    8.4. - I bequeath my journal and it's contents to Hana Weaver if she is to survive me. If not, it will go to Franco Sorrentino. If he too, does not survive me, I wish for it to be cremated with me.


    8.5.- I bequeath all other items in my personal footlocker; including my collection of books; to the 112th Mobile Infantry, for their enjoyment.




    STEAM NAME / ALIASES: let's pizza (Coleision)

    STEAM ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/coleision

    SERVER TIME: (ESTIMATE)  2 ish years idk

    ROLEPLAY EXPERIENCE: 2 ish years idk


    AVAILABILITY: (ESTIMATE) 2-4 times a week.






    AGE: 21

    RACE: Cacausian

    SEX: Female

    HEIGHT: 5ft. 7in.

    WEIGHT: 155 lbs.


    LEVEL OF EDUCATION: High School - Completed


    MEDICAL RECORD: Third degree burns on left arm, GSW in lower abdomen.

    DATE OF ENLISTMENT: January 19th, 2297


  3. Spoiler





    Basic Information:

    Name: Tallie Lynn Vega
    Age: 21
    D.O.B: 4/23
    Gender: Female
    Affiliation: Claims to be Presbyterian.

    Role(s): Medic
    Kin: None
    Homeworld: Hod
    Hair color: Brown
    Eye color: Brown
    Build: Mesomorphic
    Rank: Second Specialist

    Status: Alive



    Mother -  Alyx Vega - Citizen

    Father - Michael Vega - Citizen

    Brother - Arnold Vega - KIA - 34th

    Brother -  Nolan Vega - KIA - 78th

    Sister -  Jasper Vega - Citizen

    Backstory: Born on Hod, Tallie and her siblings grew up working in the mines. This life was dangerous, and often fatal. Being in the lower class, the most attractive option for escaping this was military service.  Tallie, being one in a triplet, had joined with her brothers. Although both brothers perished during the invasion of Earth, she was fortunate enough to not be on Earth at the time.

    Character Description: Tallie is a 5 foot 7 inch female, with tanned skin, brown eyes, brown hair, and a mesomorphic build. She speaks with a light Hispanic accent as well, usually mixing some Spanish in with her Federation Standard English.


    Tallie is can speak Spanish, Standard, and small amounts of Portuguese.

    Tallie is currently taking lessons in an attempt to help her speak Standard better.

    Tallie's mother and father were born in Portugal and Mexico respectively.

    Being promoted whilst sleeping.

    Personal Relationships
    Relations: Loved|Respected|Like Family, Brethren|Good friends|Friends|Acquaintance|Neutral|Mixed|Dislikes|Hates|Fears

    --[[Federation Mobile Infantry]]--
    The crayon eaters. A true necessity of any army.

    - Sebastian Bently -

    Cool guy. Sat down and chatted with him for awhile. Apparently dating some Medic lady? Relationships never work, so he'll be free from the bonds of love sometime soon.

    He's the Captain now. Wow. Hope he remembers me from back on my first drop. He's a cool guy.


    Maddox Ryder -

    I think we scarred this dude for life. Worth it.


    Franco Sorrentino -

    It's nice having good leadership. Knows when to tell everyone what the fuck to do. I don't think he knows how to properly function around women.

    Transferred or some shit. Who knows.


    --[[Federation Engineering Division]]--
    I like it when they blow shit up.

    - William St. Claire -

     What a fucking cunt. I hope I get the chance to  "treat" you on the field.

    If you have a kink for being mind-fucked, search here.



    --[[Federation Hospital Corps]]--
    The official patcher-uppers for the crayon eaters. What an honor it is to be a part of this group.


    Cassie Newman -

    A good quality medic, but really... weird. Like, she's jumpy, and ungodly hard to read as a human being.

    Apparently no longer a medic? Seems to stutter quite a but too. She does her job, so I can't complain.


    Charlie Scott -

      We had a good time. This guy understands my humor. I appreciate his existence. Also saved my ass a few times.


    - Josev Lynch -

     Lynch, Scott, and I spent our spare time terrifying some specialist in the medbay before we sedated him. Good times.


    Jessica Read -

    She's the medic who gave me the scarf. And I look damn good in it too. Usually I don't care about how I present myself, but I do look like an absolute snack when I wear it. Thanks for the scarf.


    --[[Federation Marauders]]--
    Everyone just kinda fucks each other there. Like, literally, dick in ass.


    --[[Federation Fleet]]--
    I don't give them shit because they feed me.

    Alysia Harper 

    Sorry for all the shit that happened. I wouldn't have done it had I known she was involved with him. Besides that, she speaks my native tongue, which is pretty cool.

    --[[Federation Provost Corps (Marines)]]--
    The what.



    --[[The Fallen, Forgotten, Transferred]]--

     ✞ Ellie Dawson -

     I was on rear guard with her whilst the whole platoon tried to ninja our way into a nuclear facility, or something like that. She's not that annoying, and I'm cool with that.

    Damn. I saw you once, and then our next encounter is seeing you on the Monolith.


     Miguel Lorenzo -

    This dude got nut-tapped into the next dimension by Sigrun, and kinda took it like a man. He didn't cry, so bonus points for him.

    Heard he kicked the bucket. Damn shame.


    ✞ James Chevosky -

    Capable leader. I like his humor. It might not be as beautiful as mine, but it's as close as I think I will get.

    All the good people just keep dying. It's bullshit.


    -  Haleem bint al-Attar - 

    She's very knowledgeable in the field of not killing MI people die, I'll give her that. Other than that, she's your typical edgy-ass medic.

    Guess she fucked off or something. Couldn’t handle the kitchen that is the 112th.


    Rahman Decim -

     This is one sassy motherfucker. I approve. I still should have poured hot sauce in his eyes when I had the chance.

    Dude got fucking crushed next to me and still lived.

    Good fuck. For an Asian.


    - Troy Hughes -

     A capable leader. I'd go under his command anyday. I'm glad he doesn't take shit from people.

    This guy is just going around looking for someone to be his fuck buddy at this point. Fuck you.

    Transferred out. Good.

  4. Hey y’all.

    I wish I could do some Christmas shenanigans with y’all, but I’m away from home. I got sick like 2 months ago, and I haven’t shaken it, and that’s always fun. So, I’ll try and get back to y’all soon and do some dope cooking rp. In the meantime, I hope everyone of y’all gets to spend time with your family and friends, and I hope y’all give and receive nice things. Merry Christmas y’all.

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