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Hopper Bug

Hopper Bug (3/9)

  2. Square up motherfucker. There was a narrative story further than the humorous banter of the doctors and so much to explore. The entirety of the DLC provided new everything and managed to expertly tie the ridiculousness into the serious demeanors of the rest of the DLCs.
  3. In FNV the new vegas medical clinic could boost any single one of your special stats, add base protection from inserting integrated body plating into your literal fucking skin, or give you health regeneration by speeding up metabolism using magic genetics. I have over 250 hours in that game, help.
  4. Update Moriarty even though he was there for like only the last seconds.
  5. Theme & Face Claim Him in all of his punk ass glory. Basic InformationCurrent Alias: Mathew DonovanFormer Aliases: Mathew 'Dicky' Donovan (Pre Enlistment)Age: 18Prior Occupation(s): N/A Hometown/Birthplace: Zegama Beach, Cincinnati System Education: High School Diploma Languages Spoken: English Current Affiliations: "Davidson's Deathmakers" 112th Mobile Infantry Former Affiliations: N/A Wealth: See Personal Effects Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Motto: "Morituri Te Salutant, and may whatever malevolent god that exists have mercy on our souls." Sexuality: HomosexualCurrent Residence: UCF-BC-291 Ulysses S. Grant Physical Information: Description: 5'7"|Pitched American Accent With A Pale Complexion| On Drops Wearing Standard Issue M-1F2 Combat Armor With An M-3 Helmet|Crinkled Carton Of Cigarettes Attached To Helmet|(WIP) Height: 5'7"Weight: 149 Lbs Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Hazel Build: Scrawny Scars: None Permanent Injuries: None. Yet. Tattoos: None. Attributes Strength: 8/20Dexterity: 16/20Constitution: 7/20Intelligence: 15/20Wisdom: 5/20What He Thinks His Charisma Is: 100000000000000000000000/20 Real Charisma: 8/20 Combat Rating: 7/10 Pain/Health: 6/10 Mental Information: (WIP) Quirks: Behavior: Hobbies Bar games and gambling Drinking as a social art Fears: Court Martials Demotion The Fuzz getting in on him Likes: People who don't treat him with disgust More cigarettes Dislikes: Pretentious People NCOs Dust Being Accused Of Having An Addiction Skills: Minor Marksmanship Basic IFAK Experience How To Smoke A Blunt In Less Than 50 Seconds Personal Effects: Crinkled Packet Of Cigarettes Engraved Marble Lighter An Ugly Black Beanie Mental State: Sane/HappyRELATIONSHIPSIIIIIIII|IIIIIIIIII|IIIIIIIIII|IIIIIIIIIIII|IIIIIIIIIII|IIIIIIIIIII|IIIIIIIIIIII|IIIIIIIIII|IIIIIIIIII|IIIIIIIIIDead|Despise|Hate|Skeptical|Neutral|Like|Friend|Admired|Loved|Family| Aphelion Dominica - Needs to loosen up but she may be a little too far gone as a complete robot so the situation with her is unsalvageable. Dex Powers - Who? Nah I'm just fuckin' with you but I've only sorta seen this guy around, gonna need more time to get a dial up on him. William St. Claire - It may or may not seem like it but I like the guy, crazy bastard as he is he seems to be the type who would bum you a cigarette. Sabine (Something) - A fleet girl I met and played a few games of pool with, naturally she kicked my ass due to my strategy of extreme luck. I'd like to know her better. (Request To Be Added)
  6. My theory on how to explain the obvious plot shield of Robert Girlyman and his ultrasmurfs is that because the collective orks believe blue is lucky therefor they're forever going to be able to bullshit through any situation.
  7. Leaked 2: Electric Boogaloo
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