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About Silent

  • Birthday April 19


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Plasma Bug

Plasma Bug (6/9)

  1. IC: Combat Engineer Detachment Application of Interest Name: Alicia White Physical Age: Probably like 24 Race: Caucasian Gender: Female Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Brown Height: ~5'6" Weight: 158 lbs Employment & Background Current Rank: Pfc. Educational History: Probably a lot of stuff. Criminal Record: N/A Employment History: N/A Service Record: 112th Medical Detachment, MSpc.
  2. Even doing that still isn't really teaching it to them. They should be sat down in a classroom or even in the simulation room, and given whatever they're to be learning. Let them mess with it ICly and OOCly, see if they can figure out what it does, how it can be used etc. Then you walk them through its use, what the book says about it, and more importantly YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE with said thing, tips that may not have been taught, maybe a few details that aren't mentioned in the book but useful for its deployment. We're not trying to teach them the bear minimum, so when you have something to add, do so. Furthermore, the 'hands on' bit is more-so the week of field work they should be doing. I do not agree that people should be given ranks because they've been doing a required aspect for a week. It should be earned otherwise, and certifications should be a completely separate ladder to climb.
  3. First impressions on Claire
  4. May 11th, 2299 21:40 Local Time Dear former colleagues, Though I'm sure a majority of you don't know who I am, nor will ever; I thought it were only proper to deliver updates on the stability and progress of our ship, if you could call it that. As of current, the engine, being a ‘vintage’ model as compared to the one I am used to, is on the cusp of failure. Giving us at best, mere weeks till it collapses. Our air filtration system is notably worse for wear, giving us… several days to find a replacement or risk death mid-travel. We’ve begun approaching our next stop, and have started scouring the ship for valuables to pawn off so as to increase the likelihood of our safe arrival. Whether our plan will play out as it is intended or not, is up to the gods. On a lighter note, the group has begun to bond. Over simple things, of course - but I believe we’ve come together as a group, united by the thought of death in the coming weeks. Perhaps foolishly, but nonetheless, we’re happy. We are all rooting for you guys… most of us, at least. Do your best to ensure that my girls get to grow up in a well governed world, free of the self-centered tyrant that currently possesses the rank. With best wishes, and hopefully many more updates to come,
  5. Silent


    where the fuck is the french and emmett
  6. LCpl. William Saint-Claire
  7. Kinda-Sorta updated.
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