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  1. martial arts is a hard thing to retain if you don’t consistently do it. Idk how long basic training is the SST-verse (I’m leaning towards films rather than book, seeing as that’s our primary inspiration), but, speaking from my person experience, between marksmanship, combat conditioning, military customs and courtesies, military tactics, combat care, history, equipment training, etc, it’s not really feasible for every boot to leave basic being a martial arts expert. hell I’ve been involved in various disciplines for over half a decade and I can still get fucked up. plus this is an opt-in program, just like the real world inflicted MCMAP, so, it’s not like we’re forcing people to participate. Just a sort of encouragement for off-drop RP, beyond spending 92% of the time in the bar MCMAP is essential a mixed martial art. our training consists of how to use your rifle in close combat, a knife, a ‘weapon of opportunity’ (ie an object you can find around you), your fists, grappling, etc. it’s pretty much beat into your head that using your fists is a last ditch effort.
  2. It doesn’t seem like that complicated of task, imo. I’m not sure how Silent is going to run it, seeing as he’s the one with Staff approval, but it could be a simple system of: -Allow trusted players to assume position as instructors -Utilize a shared doc or spreadsheet to record training sessions -Once a player meets the assigned requisites, allot them the bonus, and log it. We use the same system for Psychics, after all It’s a simple enough system to both grant a sense of progression to layers beyond promotions, while also encouraging a further amount of interaction between NCOs (Or whoever is assigned as Instructor) and their peers.
  3. Oh, well, sick. If you need any help, I’m open. Currently on a green belt course myself.
  4. So this is just something I’ve been having on my mind. I’ve heard talk of it server-wise, but can’t seem to find any publications of it on the server, and thought it could use some expending upon. So, in my real world experience, rank in the military isn’t necessarily tied to your experience in martial arts prowess. I’ve met staff sergeants who remain grey belts, and I know corporals who are already working on their blacks. Despite this, I don’t necessarily disagree with the current roll system regarding close combat, however, I also believe amendments could be made to encourage both ship based role play, as well as a sense of personal development. Hence forth, I am suggesting the introduction of the Mobile Infantry Martial Arts Program, or simply MIMAP. Heavily inspired (you mean ripped?) from the USMC’s martial arts program, MIMAP would cover a variety of armed and unarmed martial arts, ranging from knife and rifle techniques, joint manipulation, and good old pugilism. Bonuses to close combat rolls would be granted on a belt based system. These would not stack with rank-based rolls, with the later holding directive over belt-based rolls (ex: a PFC holding Grey Belt is granted a roll bonus of +15, rather than the typical +10. Once reaching the rank of LCpl, this bonus remains +15, and, upon reaching Cpl, will follow the typical +20, assuming they haven’t chosen to belt up). I believe this system can hold some advantages, in terms of both realism and roleplay opportunities. Having a tangible benefit can encourage players to ‘PT’ or train in their off time in pursuit of a belt, while also providing NCOs who opt in as instructors with the opportunity to run martial arts courses. This is simply a concept system, and I’m entirely open to discussion. Or the idea sucks and I’m gay
  5. Update 1: Whatever Title I Can't Think of One -Added Hawthorne (@Coleision) -Added Claire (@Silent) -Added Dunn (@Pundii) -Added Psyche Report Update -Changed FC Photos -Reduced SMG TTK
  6. One thing I really like creating is culture groups (Cause, y’know, it’s nearly been 300 years, new cultures tend to form). For inspiration, I tend to look to history, cause, surprise, Humans are a very diverse and interesting people. As vague as it is, I’ll often select a random Wikipedia page, and click through until something sets off my creative juices. So far my first lore-contribution, the Desorics, was largely inspired by reading Wikipedia articles on Jewish Discrimination and the Black Irish, among other subjects. A lot of thing can be easily tweaked to fit within the SST universe, so finding inspiration in the lore of real life, and other media, is a really big aid, at least to me.
  7. We really using screenshots in a competition for $50
  8. Delilah Blaise Appearance The Sweet Tunes General Information :: Full Name: Delilah Rosa Blaise :: Nickname(s): N/A :: Age: 20 :: Date of Birth: March 4th, 2278 :: Federation Service Initiated: May 12th, 2298 :: Home World/Colony: Pallas :: Nationality: Desoric :: Military Role: Combat Medical Technician/Psychic Operative :: Military Rank: Specialist Second Class :: Status: Active :: Relationship Status: Single :: Previous Relationships of Notice: None Appearance :: Hair Style: Medium length. Parted :: Hair Color: Black :: Eye Color: Hazel :: Height: 5'11" (170cm) :: Weight: 132 lb (59.8kg) :: Facial Features: Blemish free, save for the occasional freckle. Small scar beneath left jawline. :: Body Features: Very pale skin tone. Minor scarring located along the back of the neck, and on the back of the wrists. Psychology Tarot Reading Psyche Report Background Personal History Family :: Augustin Lilian Blaise– Father - Alive :: Lena Maitre Blaise – Mother - Alive Miscellaneous Information :: Religious Views: Agnostic (Firm believer in 'Essence') :: Known Languages: English (Native), French (Conversational) :: Hobbies/Occupations: Writing, Sewing, Guitar :: Highest Attained Education: High School Degree Relationship Information ◈ Loved | ◈Idolized | ◈Close Friends | ◈Friends | ◈Liked | ◈Noticed ◈Disliked |◈Hated | ◈Enemies Mobile Infantry Engineering Detachment Medical Detachment Marauder Detachment MIPOD
  9. --- APPLICATION - - OOC SECTION - Steam Name: HoneyElk Steam I.D.: STEAM_0:0:54665548 Length of time on the Server: ~50 Hours (~100 hours, first SSt iteration) Length of time RPing: ~6 years of Gmod Serious RP, ~8 years of chat-based RP, ~5 years of forum-based RP Time-Zone: Pacific Standard Time ( -8 GMT) How active are you?: Most evenings, weekends - What is your backstory that would make you believe that your character was a Psychic? OR Why would the Federation believe you were a Psychic as a child?: Blaise was born within a Desoric enclave, upon the colony of Pallas. The isolated nature of the enclave meant very limited intervention was conducted by the Federation. Newborns were typically cataloged in the nearest UCF hospital, administered basic test and screenings, and returned to their respective community, with little in the way of monitoring or screenings. Even in education, involvement by the Federation was scarce, lingering only to carry out the typical standardized testing. Due to this limited exposure, and an overall fear of the outside, Federal society, Blaise was hesitant to openly express any thoughts or concerns regarding her feelings. Test results were inconclusive, retroactively attributed to faulty machinery. For all intents and purposes, by Federal results, Blaise was a typical, if somewhat awkward, civilian. Despite this, Blaise felt that something was off regarding her mental state. The young Desoric demonstrated an extremely precise ability in regards to reading one's emotional state, even that of strangers. In her teenager years, Blaise became a common volunteer at her community's clinic, where her touch was renown among her fellow Desorics, for its ability to set even the most anxious of souls at rest. Though most simply accredited this ability to refined social skills and a 'magic touch', Blaise felt off. Fearful to seek a diagnosis outside her secure Enclave. in regards to her Desoric ethnicity, the young woman instead pursued enlistment within the Mobile Infantry, both as a mean of breaking the negative notions of her people, as well as to seek greater information into her condition. Early off in her tenure of basic training, the Desoric's instructors were quick to note her ability to unite and inspire her fellow recruits, passing the information along justly. Following the conclusion of her platoons period of training, Blaise would instead be transferred to a psychic screening and development unit, where her abilities would be rightly recorded and influenced. Write out a situation in which you would have to use one of your abilities?: The drop was like any other. A search and destroy, encompassing some bombed out city, on a bombed out colony, in the swatch of space just waiting to be bombed out. Urban combat was harsh, close, deadly. Vantage points afforded a variety of positions for enemy snipers, and the overarching windows and roof tops were a birthday party for ambushes. Despite the efforts of military intelligence, the environment was ever changing, enemy positions altering on an hourly basis. The entirety of the 112th had been assigned to this urban sprawl, each platoon combing block after block. Despite their size and support, the units were quickly amassing casualties, the aforementioned snipers and ambushes wearing down the large rifle platoons. Blaise's unit was no different. Luck seemed to smile upon the Desoric's unit, however. Following a brief engagement with an insurgent fire team, Blaise and Co were left with a single enemy POW, one that had been badly wounded in the firefight. Despite the MI's effort to address the Innie's soon-to-be-fatal condition, the prisoner was uncooperative, kicking and lashing out at the attending medics with whatever energy and vigor they had left. Blaise, one of the respective medics, turned to her respective squad leader, offering to try her own hand. With nothing else to lose, and time a precious commodity, the Corporal permitted it. As the flailing insurgent was restrained, Blaise extended a hand, palm pressing gently upon the man's forehead. With a set of clenched eyes, the Medic began projecting a variety of comforting images. A blooming meadow, the laughter of a friend, the touch of a lover. The Medic was visibly strained, her subject clearly aware of her intentions. But as time passed, the sensations mounted. The warm thoughts of home had worked their magic. The insurgent, once a thrashing dissident, now lie a sedated pupil. As the attending medics worked their magic, Blaise fared little better. The strain of the act induced a piercing headache upon the young psychic. Finishing their duties, the team began their interrogation of the stabilized insurgent. Despite the lovely sensations projected forth, the rebel was far from cooperative. Physical incentives were out of the question, the prisoners condition far too delicate. With deadlines to reach, Blaise, still frazzled and worn, offered her services once more. Though dangerous, the Corporal was unwilling to risk continuing forth blind. Laying a hand against the Insurgent's brow, the Psychic thought long and hard. A strained croak erupted from her lips, posture beginning to tremble. Her opponent, despite a valiant defense, began to incur a toll. Flashes of morbid imagery, tingles of loneliness and hopelessness, fear and death shock him to his core. The once proud rebel was rendered a quivering wreck, pleads of mercy crying out between sobs. As the order was given to halt, Blaise nearly collapsed, bloodshot eyes accompanying her twisted, worn appearance. As the quivering rebel rambled on and on of sniper nests and choke points, the haggard Blaise staggered past. Between drilling headaches and an overarching sense of nausea, the Psychic was far from fine. Despite the gravity of her conditions, the Medic was forced to soldier on. As the last city blocks were swiftly cleared (No doubt in thanks to the Psychic’s labors), Blaise could only imagine the warm bed, and stern debriefing, that awaited her. --- - IC Section - Name: Delilah R. Blaise Age: 20 D.O.B.: March 4th, 2278 Sex: Female Physical Description: A young, Desoric woman, she stands at a modest 5'7", with a light, but healthy build. Her hair is cut short, a slightly messy head of dark blue-black hair. Her skin is a pale white, complimented by deep, dark blue irises. The woman's face is clean, relatively free of any marks or blemishes, besides the occasional freckle. - If Applicable - Current Rank: 3SPC Education History: High School Graduate Criminal Record: 1x Count of Loitering Employment History: Volunteer at local Desoric clinic, from ages 15 to 19 Service Record: -Completion of Basic Training -Completion of Basic Medical Aid Course -Assignment to 112th BN, 182nd Medical DET
  10. STEAM NAME / ALIASES: HoneyElk STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:54665548 SERVER TIME: (ESTIMATE) ~50 Hours (~100 on first SST iteration) ROLEPLAY EXPERIENCE: ~6 years of Gmod Serious RP, ~8 years of chat-based RP, ~5 years of forum-based RP MEDICAL ROLEPLAY EXPERIENCE: Previously a member of Medical (SPC Riley Atkins) AVAILABILITY: (ESTIMATE) Most evenings (PST), Weekends CHARACTER COUNT: (MAX 3) 1 IC SECTION NAME: (LAST, FIRST MIDDLE INITIAL) Blaise, Delilah, R AGE: 20 RACE: Caucasian SEX: Female HEIGHT: 5'7" WEIGHT: 132lb BLOOD TYPE: A Pos RANK: Private LEVEL OF EDUCATION: High School Diploma, CPR Certified CRIMINAL RECORD: 1x Count of Loitering, MEDICAL RECORD: 20/40 Vision (Correctable via glasses) DATE OF ENLISTMENT: June 2nd, 2298
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