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  • Birthday May 8


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  1. Tonic

    The 47th

    Peto brought his wrapped hand to his forehead, moving it to wipe the moisture collecting within the crevices of his forehead as he stared parallel to the hanged battle mat. The mat, first used by one of the prior Lieutenants upon the 47th's arrival on Scarvis, had seen continuous use and revision over the months that he had been stationed on here. Peto muttered a curse as a brushed bead of sweat landed on the parchment, resulting in an inked line to blur. "Damned Privates using cheap ink", he sneered, before an audible chirp echoes out from behind, the source of which centered on his desk by the entrance to the elongated, lean-to cabin. A sharp click from the throwing of a stationary radio's switch is followed by the man's practiced and ritualistic posturing, "47th. Major Agamemnon. Be concise." A feminine voice spoken through a stretched smile echoes about the cabin, obfuscated at the cabin's entrance by only the continuously buffeted lead-lined curtain. "Greetings, Major Agamemnon. My office has been so cold without your presence... may-haps you should do something to fix this." The Major replies in kind, "Hell hath truly frozen over, it seems." Peto could envision the woman's smile growing wider, and could even hear the first strained syllable of her retort being formed, only to be cut off by a curtain being thrown open to make way for a figure coated in dark matted sand with boot tracks of crimson sand following his path. The Lieutenant speaks, "Major. Repo--", "LIEUTENANT!" The Major's reddened face drops a hue almost as quickly as it rose, "Manners." The younger figure assumed a lesser posture and presented himself in apology. The disembodied voice sang out for the Major's attention, "Major, his report can wait. What I have to say cannot." Major Agamemnon frowned deeply while gesturing to the Lieutenant to pull up a chair. The Major then sets his focus back towards the source of the woman's voice once more. "What does the damned Fox have to say, this time?" --- A metallic coffee mug flew across the cabin before impacting against a wall, resulting in a new dent joining the others. Major Agamemnon turned to Lieutenant Dennis and swore, "Going to have a pelt by the time I retire, I swear on it! The last thing we need is to give more bodies to these sands... yet the spooks just give us more bodies to throw away -- new bodies that will turn around and bury us, no less!" The Lieutenant chimes in, vying to subdue the Major's temper, "Sir. These men and women coming to join us... They're experienced. They've been through the thick of it -- they'll easily--", the Major cuts in, "-- easily undermine our authority through their own heroic deeds brought about by past actions from passed men! Men and women living in the waning glory of the real heroes they dare claim to follow after! You and I have heard the same broadcasts, received the same notices from SICON-- Make no mistake... These newcomers are going to drown you in false pretenses and stolen valor. And we will lose our chance at keeping our word to those who have not returned home." Lieutenant Dennis had learned to stop holding his own ground when the Major had this level of determination and conviction in his voice. The Major always spoke so confidently, ready to stake everything on his own word. It was as admirable as it was unnerving, to always be willing to put so much value in words. Dennis spoke softly, "Sir. Captain Malik. She died in the ambush." The Major looked to his Lieutenant and nodded, speaking softly to match the gravity that the situation demanded of him. "You and Jax did everything you could, I'm told." He approached the Lieutenant with ginger footfalls before placing his hands upon the Lieutenant's shoulders, resting on his patches. They had yet to fray. The Lieutenant muttered, "But it wasn't enough." The Major replied, "It never is." The sound of velcro being torn can be heard over the howls of the burgeoning dust storm.
  2. INCOMING COMMUNICATION FROM SICON CORE WORLD RELAY CENTER ALPHA 0 CLEARANCE DESIGNATION MARKED: ALL COMBAT LEADERSHIP AND PERSONNEL WITHIN ARACHNID QUARANTINE ZONE FROM THE OFFICE OF MAJOR GENERAL ALEXANDER SAEJ, OPERATIONAL SECURITY, SICON HEADQUARTERS To all assets with receipt of this message, take note that all charges have been dropped against the 1st Army, 2nd Division,7th Brigade, 28th Regiment, 112th Battalion, hereafter the 112th. The 112th have proven their innocence by substantial majority vote of the Federal Council. All judiciary tasks and investigations relating to the 112th are to cease from this point forward and all collected intelligence is to be appropriately forwarded for archiving. The 112th is being disbanded and their personnel are to be re-integrated through the Battalions of the 1st Army, 1st Division, 3rd Brigade, 9th through 12th Regiments. Majority of the 112th's command structure and their Mechanized aspects (advanced Engineering Corps and their Marauder Detachment) shall be adopted by the 12th Regiment's 47th Battalion. The 12th Regiment is to undertake the Mechanized specialization. in lieu of the 112th's dissolution. The 47th Command Staff have been advised of this incoming bolstering of personnel, and Intelligence personnel have been tasked with aiding the Mobile Infantry with the integration of these advanced elements into their rank and file. This is to be carried out by all parties, immediately. Glory to the Federation
  3. Tonic

    Dick Simmons

    Beat ya to it, snake nerd
  4. Foreign Affairs Department SUNDAY MAY 26 2299 HESPERUS, ALPHA CENTAURI - Mere weeks after the incident at the Arachnid Quarantine Zone, which had provoked an aggressive act by the hands of the Arachnid forces, the Citizen-ran companies that keep the numerous orbital Hesperus shipyards running have announced completion of an expedited order of seventeen Federation military space-faring vessels. These vessels are to be sent to rendezvous and form Federal Strike Fleet Equanimity alongside other Federal elements. While the specifics of the Strike Fleet’s tasks have been withheld by the Office of Naval Intelligence, there has been confirmation that Strike Fleet Equanimity is to be a test-bed for experimental shifts of design philosophy held by current standing Federal Military strategists for handling ship-to-ship combat. Despite this shift in philosophies originally came about due to the influx of rogue human elements taking advantage of weakened Federation patrols along extended-travel hyperlane routes, it is all the more clear that these new alien threats be met by new and innovative human solutions. The Iskander Herald is a registered third party news vendor, authorized under docket number 161, and protected under section (6)(2) of the Iskander Accords, which permits a limited number of approved third party organisations the right to publish news independent of the Federal state. Any complaints should be directed to the Regulation of Press Committee, Federal Council, ISK SW1A 1AA
  5. The survey will be closing in a few days. It takes less than 15 minutes to complete and ensures that sure your voice is heard.
  6. Tonic


    Absolutely. Just message @El Excellente your desired username and password and he'll set it up for you.
  7. I'm so glad you followed through Thank you
  8. Greetings, This community has been taken through many jarring events within the past two months alone, but there is little sign of the men and women of the Upham having made it clear of this storm. This community is a melting pot of different ideologies and definitions of 'fun', and the server is where all these new ideas and perspectives come together to not only experience and share in art of story telling, but to also have the opportunity to leave their own mark on those around them. With all these different personalities, it can be difficult for a minority of the playerbase to think of numerous ways to address each problem as it arises. Thus, we make sure to send out surveys throughout the year as a way of 'keeping pulse' on the community's ever-changing interests and ideas. While this survey will have many of the typical governance/administrative questions, it will also have a new series of questions that we hope will give us a better insight into the type of missions that we should consider making more commonplace until the community's interests change once more. We're excited to see the outcome of this new type of survey. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSehvzWM_Ewry90qQzjOJBhdqN3AUVFROqdGUlfGk7Wiyphzdg/viewform?usp=sf_link We would appreciate it if you would take 15 minutes out of your day to provide us the feedback that you believe will help better the community. Tonic
  9. ALPHA THREE CLEARANCE; INTERNAL DISSEMINATION PERMITTED FOR PURPOSE OF PREPARATION FOR THE UPCOMING TRIBUNAL; To All With The Mantle of Responsibility, Consider the following correspondence an official notice of the intent to hold a formal tribunal against the Command Staff of the 4th Mobile Infantry Division, 31st Morita Regiment,112th Battalion, Alpha Company, hereby referred to as Bently’s Bastards. The temporarily established task force of this tribunal will be headed by Internal Security’s Major Alexander Forge, currently posted with the 92nd Battalion. This tribunal will begin on the 10th of May and will serve to isolate independent personnel that have caused or will be suspect to cause the further spread of subversive and other questionably immoral behavior amongst the Enlisted men and women of Bently’s Bastards. Additionally, efforts will be made to bring scrutiny to the training regimen and certification of all Non-Commissioned Officers of Bently’s Bastards. To facilitate the swift enactment and fulfillment of the goals of this tribunal, the Command Staff of Bently’s Bastards are to grant access of all internal personnel record management systems to the Internal Security detachment stationed on the vessel so that they may ensure the incoming task force is given all appropriate documents upon arrival. Additional medical, criminal, and personal accounts and unofficial observations on the Commissioned Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, Enlisted personnel, and auxiliary support personnel of Bently’s Bastards are to be forwarded to the local Internal Security detachment for processing in a similar fashion as the record management systems. This tribunal shall include, but not be limited to, any combination of the following responsibilities and tasks: Formal observation of Command Staff in the performance of their duties. Formal observation of Non-Commissioned Officers in the performance of their duties. Formal observation of Auxiliary Staff in the performance of their duties. Formal observation of Non-Commissioned Officers during their scheduled breaks and other periods where they are not performing official duties. Formal questioning of all above staff, including Enlisted personnel, on any matter or topic deemed appropriate by the questioning task force personnel. Immediate detaining, prosecuting, sentencing, and fulfilling of any and all decreed correctional sentences against all aforementioned personnel, and others that fall within the jurisdiction of the Federation’s judiciary reach. Formal reporting of identified problem areas that Bently’s Bastards have been deemed as ‘lacking’, as deemed by task force personnel. It is a great honor to be presented with these trying challenges against one’s faith and fervent support of one’s government, only to come out the other side with nary a blemish. Through God’s judgement, Bently’s Bastards shall be held accountable for all identified faults -- should any exist. Glory to the Federation and the Great Men that it forges through its unremitting crucibles. Respectfully, Lieutenant General Sara Zaiger
  10. "Humans can live up to 11 days" -- A Sleep-Deprived Nyx
  11. Tonic


    A bit interested by your choice in group banner wallpaper, Orwell. What inspires you to look up cat sex?
  12. I wish to take a moment to encourage all of the remaining playerbase to take the time to complete this straightforward survey. Change occurs because a call to change is made. Most players can recall negative experiences with numerous communities where they get burned by those in charge because the player challenges the status quo, and staff turn around on the player with ill intent. This survey is the staff's attempt at seeing if the status quo needs to change. Don't let this opportunity pass by. If you don't take the time to make your voice heard, in this survey or in a public thread, then your ideas will never be considered, and the community as a whole cannot be blamed for your inaction.
  13. Tonic

    New forums!

    I recommend switching to using the IP address for connecting to the server. If you're adament on using the URL, make sure you're using sstrp.net:PORT# rather than starshiptroopersrp.net:PORT# Also, take any further issues to the Help & Support forums. Thanks!
  14. Before any other replies are made, I'm warning all participants that any further posts that are seen as nothing short of attempts to insult others' capabilities or lack of desire to adapt to an unproven system will result in post-bans from the forums (read-only access) for up to one week. SSTRP prides itself on being a bastion of free speech, and we do encourage the playerbase to speak about problems they feel like could be resolved (i.e., this thread), but keep your insults out of suggestion threads. All members of the community who have joined in on this topic are ones who want the success of the server-- treat each other with respect even if you don't agree with their ideologies or methods of accomplishing a task.
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