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El Excellente

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Everything posted by El Excellente

  1. By the way, it has multiple layers. Try the resources tab, for example!
  2. that's load screen material right there hun
  3. If you hadn't noticed, the FSN has been very quiet recently with their broadcast of the Federal Jumpball League, just after week 2 and before the matchups of week 3. This is because there has been an ongoing negotiation with the Federal Jumpball Conference, who recently went bankrupt. In order to enrichen the experience, increase competetiveness and to truly unite the people of the Federation, the Federal Jumpball League has purchased the Conference's licensing rights. As a result, the FJL will be joined by the 12 teams from the Conference and be distributed among the divisions. This is a massive ordeal in the middle of the season, but it only makes sense from an athletic standpoint for the 12 remaining teams. The previous 2 games played will be considered as "pre-season" and will not count to the team's overall standing. The records will therefore be wiped and every team begins with a clean slate. The League has yet to confirm the list of the 32 teams. There has been rumors that the colonies of Hesperus and Hod are combining their teams to increase the competetiveness of Alpha Centauri in the league; furthermore there has been rumors about Scarvis, Tango Urilla and the mining colony of Castus entering the league. The idea of a second team for Iskander was quickly shot down.
  4. This is the official SSTRP starmap for you to look at. https://sectorswithoutnumber.com/sector/TqX3ydEAwJU5luywvWuM Sadly, I'm the only one who can edit it, so if you write up a new system/planet/spacestation or encounter new planets in missions or whatever, post it here or write me a PM real quick
  5. i have 24 but we need 32 Roku san Arcadia (Scarvis) (Tango Urilla)
  6. the engine is incredibly powerful, but based on the NFL. so there'd be 11 players on the field instead of jumpball's 7 and i'd need 12 more teams. but it saves game logs et cetera, so i could literally broadcast a game start to finish..
  7. since this is semi-ooc already - I didn't expect this to take off like this and now i'm considering moving from my cool excel sheet to a full simulation engine so we have a ton of players and actual player stats tracked over the seasons. thoughts?
  8. Beloved Federal Sports Network audience! Use this anonymous survey to tell us what you think about our current broadcasts! Is the video material appropriate? What do you want to see more of? More videos? Less videos? More hits? More scores? More blooper plays? What topic would you like to see covered? Who is your favorite host? How can our current hosts improve? Tell us below!
  9. i'm surprised theres no barracuda reference
  10. changed wildcard teams from 1 to 3 because i suck at maths and added a poll lol
  11. Here's a video depicting the sports from the first Starship Troopers film. You don't see them subbing out players for offence/defence but I think they did that because it's a movie and you want to see Rico and Zander and not some fucknut. Realistically nobody would jump around like that for an hour AND play defense.
  12. Federal Jumpball League What is Jumpball? At its core, Jumpball is defined as a futuristic sport, mostly resembling a "combination of American football and gymnastics." After the utter devastation of the Earth during the Disorders, space was a huge issue, as most of it has been contaminated either in a biological, chemical or nuclear fashion. The Disorders wiped Earth's population to a mere 2 billion. The few bits of land that made it through the war were too valuable to the Federation to play sports on, so all the outdoor activities have been moved inside. Jumpball is played in a gym with fourteen players, seven per team. Like with antique Football, the goal is to advance the ball over the field and score a touchdown by reaching the enemy endzone. Should the attacking team fail to advance the ball, the seven players from that team are substituted and their defence takes the field. Jumpball is very popular throughout the Federation, with many planetary rivalries, for example Hesperus and Hod. The teams are split into 5 divisions, each sorted by proximity, so it's no surprise Iskander (Proxima Centauri) and Hesperus (Alpha Centauri) are in the same division. A team plays each team within their division twice and plays one match against a team from each division, making it 10 games per team in total. After the 10 games, the division leaders and three wildcard teams (the teams with the best standings) will proceed to the playoffs. From there, it is a short but hard step to the Federal Bowl Game. ((OOC: This is intended to be a little game outside the game. With currently 20 teams, there should be atleast one team your character may root for and maybe follow their games ICly. This is intended to give you something to talk about in character and I'm hoping to incite some heated exchange of arguments in the bar about which team will win their division. Hell, maybe a Sergeant is a fan of a rival team, and now you have even more reason to despise him? As to how this works: It's a simple little math game. I have a few functions in google excel which I will feed with a few numbers and that'll be the result of the games. Some of those values are the team's overall skill/coaching, their motivation and their offence and defence rating. Planetary population is also factored in - a huge 9 billion colony like Iskander simply is more likely to attract or find top athletes. To counter this, a random roll will be included in the equation - giving underdogs an actual chance. The values above may be influenced by the governor, if there is any. Interested in leading a colony yourself? hit up @Admyral Joe ))
  13. H esperus erald Planetary Defense Force to be expanded to defend Alpha Centauri space "There simply is too much shit going on" The governor announced plans to further expand the Planetary Defense Force of Hesperus and Hod into space. "We're not contesting SICON authority over the Fleet or the galaxy", the governor argued, "We simply think that protection of our planets should start at the outer perimeter. This is a simple military concept, deep or elastic defence. They can't beat us in space, they won't ever reach the ground I vowed to govern and protect." Every day, highly valuable goods are being delivered from and to Hesperus and pirate crews in the surrounding systems are on the rise. With Voight & Gromman, renowned pyrotechnics producer, the trade flow is set to increase even further. With highly dangerous materials circulating around the V&G production site, Hesperus paints a huge target on the Alpha Centauri system. It is only logical for the population to increase security detail. As it stands, there shall be a contingent of 675 Mobile Infantry Troopers, handpicked by the governor's staff, to be trained specifically for space combat. These Troopers who opted to go career will be trained to work and fight in zero gravity and close quarters environments. The Troopers will be specifically trained for an elastic defence on a starship. What this means is that they will learn about the starship's strong- and chokepoints and fall back to the next checkpoint should the enemy make a concentrated push. This tactic is not employed to repel the invaders but to actively seek to kill them. Insider sources tell that the Governor has utilized his connections as a former Military Intelligence Colonel and OSW Captain so that these Mobile Infantry soldiers will host joint trainings with the 33rd Pathfinder platoon. Additionally, these new units will receive a contingent of 10 reserve Fleet Officers to control a repurposed trade vessel. This vessel will act as a bait vessel and will be retrofitted at the Hesperus Shipyard to specifically counter the threat of a boarding enemy. The ship will receive additional bulkheads with multiple, failsafe locking mechanisms, which can also be used to trap people. Each section is set to have a seperate circuitry so that the Mobile Infantry can employ scorched earth tactics when falling back to the next checkpoint. Other mechanical defence mechanisms were not mentioned, but officials could not confirm or deny that there are more. Electronically, the vessel will be linked to a control station on Hesperus. While being pilotted by members of the Fleet reserve, it was decided it was best to have a backup mechanism in case of human error. Lastly, the vessel is confirmed to have an automated manifest and IFF system. The vessel receives its data from the Hesperus Control Station, which in return writes data to the Alpha Centauri ship register. That means that this vessel may fly around with, amongst others, an Voight & Gromman IFF tag and have its manifest auto-generated with appealing products. The Governor is not concerned about revealing such information, as the fact that a ship may or may not be housed by vicious and stout defendes should be deterring enough to keep the system pirate-free. Voight & Gromman have endorsed these endeavours and actively supported them. Along with supporting the project financially, they supplied the force with their latest weapon and defence system, aswell as environmental suits made specifically for space combat. When asked for a statement, CEO Hardmann only said "You don't save money on security - that's why we moved away from Cassandra." The new, yet to be named, defence force exercizing on the rocky surface of Hesperus in their V&G suits. Voight & Gromman surveying Hesperus atmosphere The news-stream around V&G just won't break up! Following their move to Hesperus City, Voight & Gromman Research & Development speakers have confirmed they are running tests on Hesperus' atmosphere. Early probes suggest that the corrosive gases in the atmosphere can be extracted and converted into chemicals that boost the overall output of V&G's pyrotechnical arsenal. If this is the case, V&G would not need to synthetically produce these flamer liquids and save money. Currently, models of this new fuel suggest that the flamer capacities will be increased by 16% while keeping the product essentially the same. However, it would require a new refinery to be build on Hesperus - though creating even more jobs than initially planned. The Governor fully supports this act as harvesting the corrosive atmosphere of Hesperus might open a path to terraforming the planet and abandoning the domed city eventually.
  14. H esperus erald Business Voight & Gromann proclaim headquarters in Hesperus City Following negotiations after the first-of-september-decree, Alpha Centauri officials have successfully convinced the V&G CEOs to relocate their headquarters to Hesperus. Initially situated on Earth, Voight & Gromann were without a corporate headquarter when Earth fell to the Progenitor forces, having resided in a major productions plant on Cassandra in the interim. With the stiff political situation on Cassandra, being so far away from the human centerpoint of the galaxy and the Federation having continuous suspicions about seditious behaviour, V&G have decided to move away from Cassandra. Hesperus City will house Voight & Gromann's official corporate headquarters. With the preparations ongoing since, V&G have just opened their headquarters on Hesperus today [21st of September]. Local entrepreneurs already call Hesperus the 'new Rhohan'. The people of Hesperus are eager to support V&G in their endeavours and work to overtake Rhohan and the Morita Arms Corporation. Voight & Gromann are a renowned manufacturer of advanced pyrotechnic weapons systems. Their most known products are the iconic TW-226-f ‘Hel’ and TW-221-f ‘Tinderbox’ flamer, aswell as the SW-219-f ‘Inferno’ Support Flamer or the SW-226-f ‘Fireball’.
  15. http://wiki.sstrp.net/index.php?title=Special:UnusedFiles&limit=500&offset=0 Unused files (pictures) will land here. They're free for grabs. I've also uploaded a ton of 'stock' images that you can use for articles. Let's hope they inspire you. First come first serve. Once a picture is used somewhere on the wiki, it disappears from the category, so no need to worry about 10 colonies having the same images.
  16. SEPTEMBER 21st, 2298 Following severe movements of tectonic plates on Hesperus, ten locals have lost their lives. Plate movements are common on Hesperus but motion this severe is unusual. Geologists suggest that movement has begun the beginning of this month, with it now reaching its climax. Three plates have seperated from eachother, causing a sudden collapse of the surface today. The motion was so sudden that ten people got sucked into the huge crater on the outskirts of Hesperus city. The habitational dome is confirmed to be undamaged. See below for a depiction of the sudden collapse of the tectonic plate and the emergence of the crater. DEPICTION MAY VARY FROM REALITY
  17. Twatter (@govtalphac) Progenitors in our system? total losers! 9000 Marauders? totally unfair. Have to put some good old boot on the ground. Mobile Infantry all the way. Will take care of Progenitors without mechanized for sure.
  18. When in doubt, resort to the info text. it states things like "external links do not work"
  19. Wiki can be found at http://wiki.sstrp.net/index.php/Main_Page (Or just click "Wiki" on the top bar on this page) I can't edit or add, what gives? You need to sign in to work the wiki. Something wrong with the account creation process or simply can't be assed? Try the guest login. Username: GuestEditor01 password: guestpw What am I allowed to edit? Aside from FFRL stuff I don't care. Then again, I don't even care about FFRL stuff. If you want to make a page for your characters former unit, you want to add a planet or you want to make a wiki page about the Federal bar assortment and a softdrink, go ahead, I don't care, any page is welcome (aslong as it isnt overly stupid and breaking canon) (no, the Federation doesn't force you into enlistment and you cannot be conscripted) Also, other people's character pages are a big no-no. if something's bothering you, talk to them. Are there any other rules? Yes. You create a page, you maintain it. Ideally you'd check by every now and then or so to update it. This obviously primarily goes for character pages, who either get promoted/demoted (change rank) or die/go missing (change from Active to Inactive). Events on the server could require you to update your page aswell, but that's your call. I've made good experience with chronologic writing so you don't drown in potential would-be updates. So instead of writing "The current Platoon Leader for the 112th is Captain Bently", you'd just write "In August 2298, the platoon leader was Captain Bently". That way it feels more organic to have a long list when we later have more and more MI leaders.. Where did my page go? Sadly, sometimes people write something that blatantly breaks canon or simply doesn't fit. One scenario could be where you write about your character's former unit consisting primarily of conscripts. I, as administrator at SSTRP and inofficial canon curator, reserve the right to delete such pages so that people who are new to SST(RP) do not get the wrong impression of the universe they are roleplaying in. Ideally, I would contact you and talk to you about what is wrong and urge you to change it, but if you use the guest login, this might not always be possible. No hard feelings. I appreciate every attempt to enrichen the SSTRP canon. I'm a real badboy and want to cause mischief, thanks for the guest login!!! that's okay, it takes me 30 seconds to roll back the pages you vandalized and to ban your ip from the wiki and the server. I'll likely deactivate the guest login if there's severe cases of abuse, so good job robbing people of their opportunities. I'm a really nasty badboy and want to vandalize with a vpn!!! you can hide, but you can't run Useful to know Search is case sensitive and a big bitch in general. If your page is called Dickpuncher McGee, the wiki might not return results if you search for Dickpuncher mcgee. External images do not work. You have to upload images to the wiki. Scroll to the bottom and use "Upload file". Don't worry, we have plenty of HDD space last I checked. I'm 100% positive I uploaded a picture to the wiki, why can't I add it to the galery/use it as media? See the first entry. If your file is called McGee.jpg, you need to search for exactly that, including file extension. mcgee.jpg will not work, as much as Mcgee.jpg won't work. Always include file extension if you want to include pictures somewhere. That's usually .jpg, .jpeg, .png or .gif. How can I start with useful contributions? Check the red links. Somewhere, someone made a hyperlink to a page that does not exist yet on the wiki. If it doesn't exist, it gives a red link and gets marked on this page. http://wiki.sstrp.net/index.php/Special:WantedPages What are the currently available templates? Template:Awards Template:Bestiary Template:Branch Template:Campaign Template:Disease Template:Dissection Template:Enemy Template:FedNet Template:Infobox Template:PhysicalAttributes Template:Person Template:Planet Template:Stub Template:Unit How do I get a new template? Request one via PM. Tell me what you need it for and what needs to be in it and it shall be done I want my own account. Until @Xalphox fixes the captcha issue, shoot me a PM with the username and the password you like for the wiki.
  20. Follow this simple screen capture to add your character to the wiki in the currently working format. Result http://wiki.sstrp.net/index.php/Johnny_Trooper As you can see, it aligns perfectly on the right while still giving you enough space for your service, medical and judicial record on the left. It also auto-categorizes you into the People category aswell as into the Enlisted, NCO or CO category respectively.
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