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El Excellente

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Everything posted by El Excellente

  1. ur already awkwardly quirky enough, i don't think japan would do you any good
  2. there was a mod for FNV that added actual implants. they were laying all around the gameworld and you could collect them, pretty much like bobbleheads. if you found the right one, you could eg. modify your eyes to have night vision.
  3. that required more admins to make input on their events
  4. It has always been my goal to work from abstract to specific, which is why the Mobile Infantry frontpage existed before the "Equipment of the Mobile Infantry" page. So please keep that in mind should you not see your desired wiki page in a few days time.
  5. Hello with the conclusion of me porting all the important colonies and important foundations (such as the UCF frontpage, Mobile Infantry frontpage) over to the wiki for everyone to see and read, I want to know what you wish to see next.
  6. Hesperus Herald Online Repository Hesperus City, 3.1.2298 22:17 - Tram derails in nightly traffic. On the night of January third, emergency services have been dispatched to the third district. They responded to derailed tram line 5, traversing between third and seventh district. Reportedly, the tram has accelerated to about 45 mp/h before taking the left turn on August Square. While the front of the tram merely flew off the rails and skeetered right into August Park, eye-witnesses report that the third, fourth and fifth wagon were all knocked loose and rolled over repeatedly. While the tram driver seems to have gotten away with a shock, the occupants of the wagons weren't as lucky. Current estimates are at thirteen moderately injured and eight dead people - among them Councilman Hubert Přibyl who is known to take line five home after council sessions. Hesperus City, 4.1.2298 12:45 - Emergency services are investigating foul-play. Following the tragic tram accident at August Square, emergency services are investigating in all possible directions to clarify how the tram could derail. While the driver is being interrogated to determine human error, technical specialists are examining the electronical units of the tram to rule out malfunctions. Infrastructure officials are determining the integrity of the tracks and have called for pre-emptively maintaining all tracked systems on Hesperus. Hesperus City, 4.1.2298 14:55 - Investigations ceased Federal Authorities have ceased investigations after evaluating tram control data. A power fluctuation in the tram energy line has caused a system malfunction, which in return has rebooted tram track control. The tram has accelerated because the system thought to be on Hod road, the long straight road connecting both districts. It is assumed that the front element of the tram hitting the bumpy rails has knocked off the following wagons. The driver has been let loose with no charges after interrogations. The council has yet to make a statement following the loss of their councilmember. Depiction may vary from real-life situation in Hesperus City.
  7. U P D A T E D It's somewhat final. Some wiki pages still need their template written, but the wiki pages themselves, ie. the texts, most importantly the cultures, have all been added!
  8. thats funny considering what hargreves used to say @Xalphox
  9. Hesperus Herald Hesperans voice concerns Hesperus, 31.12.2297. One day after the invasion of Earth by alien forces ('Progenitors'), the people of Hesperus voice their concerns infront of the Federal Building in Hesperus City. The future of the people of Alpha Centauri does indeed look grim. The star system is in close proximity to Sol and the closest Federal Stellar Colony to Earth which has just recently fallen. The course of the 'Progenitor Ark' remains unpredictable. It is not only undefeated in space combat, but also unmatched by anything the UCF could throw at it. With Sky Marshal John Hudson finding untimely demise and Earth invaded, the people of Hesperus see a bleak future for the United Citizen Federation, as they say it is only a matter of time before the mysterious alien race stumbles upon Sanctuary. The workers of Hesperus are clearly upset. Disgruntled shipworker John Newton: "What are we producing ships for? I don't see no purpose, our ships are tiny in comparison to that thing!". The people of Hesperus are terrified. With no Federation, their shipyards serve no purpose. Many fear unemployment on the mining-centric world. Furthermore, their food supplies are entirely dependant on the supplies their neighbour planet, Hod, delivers. Without UCF control, it is possible that the rivalry between them may escalate. Many older colonists remember the famines and the bloody riots that came with them. Governor of the Alpha Centauri System, Colonel Silas Burke (Ret.) has stated that the colonies of Hesperus and Hod must now work together like before to uphold the spirit of the United Citizen Federation. He ensured that Hod will continue delivering vital food supply to the people of Hesperus. While the workers may not continue work like before, Governor Burke has assured that he will find means of employment for the people of Hesperus. He did not address the security measures on-planet. The peaceful protests were later ended by the local Mobile Infantry garrison.
  10. you dont like fighting rebel group abc who run around in AKs and manage to fuck you up somehow?!?!?
  11. the federation is starting to become space ethopia
  12. add matene to your list of witchery
  13. come on you were high as a kite as you appointed durango as MI lead you can revert that now
  14. Would you like to know more? These are official stellar colonies of the Federation as found on the wiki. They are official because they have been found this way in the canon that we use. They are very good because they each describe the culture of the people on the planets. Population scores are a bit outdated (the canon source is earlier than our canon). These colonies are canon. There are more planets which have evolved into canon at some point in SSTRP, ie. they have been written up by admins in their events. You are also free to use them. You can find these colonies here. Some of them have an interesting history, but you should be careful when picking them, like Brisch. The second category/list also includes planets from the first colony list. They are seperated because the 'Stellar colonies' follow a template (History, Culture, Economy, Law and Government, etc) which admin-written planets do not. Picking your colony from this list is encouraged, but not mandatory. If you want to make your own up, you can do that. If you want to create a new character from one of the colonies above, you're absolutely free to do that. However, be sensible. While being a colonist from an unofficial colony might be super cool, there has to be a reason for such a colony to exist. The Federation wouldn't just throw their money around and found colonies for no reason - and neither would private contractors! Check the wiki pages for more info about your colony.
  15. Friendly reminder if you want your character to be a colonist. Check out these ever-expanding lists of colonies; especially the wiki will experience growth soonish. Currently there's 3 planets with detailed explanations for their culture (Hod, Hesperus and Zegama Beach). http://wiki.starshiptroopersrp.net/index.php/Category:List_of_Federal_Colonies
  16. Haha, offduty models are @Deadeye's fault! On a serious note, can you provide pictures? It's possible that the offduty models are dependant on another model (deadeye did that for my heads atleast). If it slowly degrades into purple/black checkers, it has to be some sort of lightmap issue
  17. Good point, I moved it to Saturday. It will start early to accomodate the Fleet event and to give the MI a proper slow paced/atmospheric event with not too many players. After that I'm fine with everything offered.
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