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Posts posted by TinPan

  1. Had a chance to speak with others from the PAC moderation, and we don't have any particular issues with this PAC whatsoever. Just understand of course that the IR Lamp must remain as an intended IR Lamp, and must not be used as a camera in any capacity.


    Be sure to post future PAC updates you make for this character’s PAC here in a new post in this thread, else you will be at risk of having your PAC flags removed without a chance to appeal.

  2. 3 hours ago, SatoruYoshida said:

    UPDATE: 23.12.2022
    On-Duty or Off-Duty: On-Duty

    Total size of imported assets (if any): = 3,121MG

    °Backpack Texture remained = 608 KB
    +Added Engineer/Gibbons Gunners Patch Texture = 183 KB
    +Added Axe model = 2,33MB

    Added Patches, and Axe aswell as the Morita Carbine and the M55 Rocket Launcher. Both are connected to events that makes them disappear when unequipped from Inventory or held in hand.

    Reason for the Change:
    Have Gibbons Gunners / Engineer Patches, Have my equipped Weapons be visible. Axe has been crafted and gained by the Engineers Metal Forge for a sign of my character to be part of Gibbons Gunners.
    Images/Videos of the PAC or Imgur link to load


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    No particular issues here. Fine by me.

  3. 41 minutes ago, Ace said:

    Name: Ace

    Character Name: Dexter Calico

    Character Rank (EG: Private): Private

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:26474527

    On-Duty or Off-Duty: Onduty
    Total size of imported assets (if any): 2.77MB on the Maskbag, 8.5MB on the Helmetgear,Backpack and Thighgear. All one and the same ZIP. Goggles are from the content pack. 6.33MB on the Boots.
    Total of about 17-18MB. Rendertime of 0.180-0.2ms
    Images/Videos of the PAC or Imgur link to load:

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    Explanation of any IC events leading up to this application (if necessary):


    Additional comments: Yes, there is a helmet cam included on this. I will not use it in any way or shape or form and it will never be functional. ICly its supposed to pose as Infrared Illuminator next to the Whitelight lamp and not a recording device.

    Looks pretty good all things considered. Good work. Add's more to the uniform without taking away from the aesthetic.

    Would you be able to send some close up pictures for the helmet and the backpack if possible just so I can confirm them closer?

  4. 2 hours ago, janglejingle said:

    no problem! i've also made another change to my on-duty since then, but it's only a patch change to the Gunners'. (forgive me if i don't wanna copy the application, i'm a lazy fuck)


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    thanks and merry christmas!


    edit: please wait, just been given an updated version of the patch by Scott Leeson! :D will set it up now
    edit edit: updated with new patches! still around the same filesize too

     No issues with these; all good. Consider them approved.

    • Like 1
  5. Everything here seems perfectly fine, good work all things considered. I would however like to request that you do not wear the shemagh when wearing your formal attire. If it is for the sake of hiding the neck joint for the importer head however, then I am willing to let this slide.



    Be sure to post future PAC updates you make for this character’s PAC here in a new post in this thread, else you will be at risk of having your PAC flags removed without a chance to appeal.

    • Like 1
  6. 13 hours ago, janglejingle said:

    Name: Coolbloxxie

    Character Name: Madeline "Wallaby" Weaver

    Character Rank (EG: Private): 2SPC
    Character Division (EG: Engineer): Engineer

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:25063357

    On-Duty or Off-Duty: Off-Duty
    Total size of imported assets (if any): 
    2395 kb
    Images/Videos of the PAC or Imgur link to load: 





    Explanation of any IC events leading up to this application (if necessary): Weaver forged her axe as a Gunner, and wears it proudly everywhere she goes.


    Additional comments: Attached axe to belt.


    Could you post a close up pic of the axe if possible?

  7. 3 hours ago, Boo said:

    I colormatched the hair to a better shade and also tweaked the uniform to be a bit closer to the color of the MI fatigues. Also I'm porting in some props which should be around 4-5 MBs, pushing my import total to just about 21 mbs.

    Thanks for making the changes and posting the new pictures of them. The hair colour change looks a lot more natural now, and the colour change for the fatigues is great to see as well. Definitely helps to fit in better with others.

    The only thing I would of course like to mention is just regarding the vest. If you get some opportunity in the near future to post a version of your PAC on this thread with the vest and helmet on so we can approve it for you to be permitted to attend drops, that'd be great.


    Be sure to post future PAC updates you make for this character's PAC here in a new post in this thread, else you will be at risk of having your PAC flags removed without a chance to appeal.

  8. 1 minute ago, Boo said:

    1) I agree and I'll probably make a variation with the vest at a later date.


    2) I'm still working on the color as the edit I made was kind of rushed since I just turned the saturation down. I'll use photoshop and color match it to a more natural swatch of hair.


    I'm cool with everything besides.

    Perfect. No problems here in that case.

    Feel free to let us know in here when you have updated the pictures in your main post with the new versions of your modified PAC, and we'll be happy to accept you ASAP.

  9. Thanks for taking the chance to hop on earlier so we could take a look at your PAC up close. It was greatly appreciated. The effort you've put in is fantastic too; loved the TV camera model you produced.

    I've spoken with other members of the PAC Moderation team and we've pretty much come to an agreement that we are comfortable with accepting this application, but we would like to note two things:

    1) - If you wish to participate on a drop, you will be required to have a version that includes an armor vest. This is more of an IC-issue, but chances are all NCO's will request this of you immediately if you try to board the dropship with them on a drop; so it may be wiser for you to produce a version with a vest to negate this being an issue.
    2) - The hair colour is still an incredibly strong and dark shade of red. We would like for you to change this to a far more natural hair colour. We recommend something such as auburn/ginger hair, though the choice of colour is ultimately up to you; so long as it is not using the current colour shown on your PAC.

    If you are comfortable with wearing a combat vest on your drop and if you are comfortable with changing the hair colour, feel free to reply to this post saying you agree with the terms as well as updating your application images to showcase the new hair colour; and we'd be happy to accept this application.

  10. 2 hours ago, janglejingle said:

    Name: Coolbloxxie

    Character Name: Madeline "Wallaby" Weaver

    Character Rank (EG: Private): 2SPC
    Character Division (EG: Engineer): Engineer

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:25063357

    On-Duty or Off-Duty: On-Duty
    Total size of imported assets (if any): N/A
    Images/Videos of the PAC or Imgur link to load: 
    817 kb (i forgot this on the last on-duty update. soz!)




    Explanation of any IC events leading up to this application (if necessary): Weaver is getting sick of bright ass explosions up in her face.


    Additional comments: Changed helmet to the visor variant. That's it. If you really need more angles for that, I will provide.

    No problems here. All good.

  11. 10 hours ago, Boo said:

    I added the missing angles at the bottom and made the hair not so saturated. It was a little too deep red, admittedly. On the mention of changes, I don't really intend to play this character in combat which is why I opted to eschew the use of a flak vest and the slightly modified uniform. The texture clash would also be pretty jarring because the vest is really low-quality. 

    Thank you for making the changes requested so far. We may request some more though in the near future however; just would like to let you know just in case.


    Before we go further though, we’d like for you to hop on the server at some point and make a report to ask for a member of PAC Moderation to take a look at your PAC on the server so we can take some pictures up close and in different lightings.

  12. Could you update your application post to provide images of the left, right and rear of your PAC please?

    The PAC team will review this application soon with requested changes we would like to see in the near future, though I will state now (for the sake of at least providing some heads up) that the hair colour will require being changed to a natural hair colour instead of the cherry-red colour you have used for your PAC.

  13. 1 hour ago, ceo of warm smile said:

    The first term is extremely silly and I believe you guys are putting way too much thought into the disconnect. I don't see what's wrong with it so this isn't acceptable.

    This has taken far too long than it should've been for such a simple, harmless pac3 that none of the people I've spoken to have a problem with.

    I'm comfortable with accepting the 2nd term. 

    Here are the updated pictures


    To add on further, all the models on this server have a jarring disconnect between head and neck. So to add more point to my comment above. There is no problem with the shirtless pac.

    This is perfectly fine now versus the images showcased in your first main post. I appreciate you having taken the time to tidy things up; it looks a lot better now. Ignore the first term that was initially presented. Apologies once again for the miscommunication on our end.


    Be sure to inform us of future PAC3 changes here in this thread, or you will run the risk of having your PAC3 flags removed without warning.


  14. Had a chance to speak with some of the PAC moderation team, and we're willing to accept this application; but under two terms:

    1 - We will not be permitting the shirtless version. The disconnect between head and neck colour looks incredibly jarring.
    2 - Your application pictures are updated to reflect this, using the variant that you are currently wearing/has been modified since the original post.

    If you are comfortable with agreeing to those two terms, feel free to reply to this post when you've made the changes/accepted the terms and I'll be happy to give your application an acceptance ASAP.

  15. 23 minutes ago, ceo of warm smile said:

    Sure but Sting has already approved my PAC so this post can be placed in accepted.

    Unfortunately, I've just spoken to Sting as it turns out this was a case of miscommunication on his end (not to mention he is not part of the PAC Moderation team).

    We're still discussing this actively, but as soon as we get a conclusion we'll let you know. Should be within the next day or so.

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