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Everything posted by yahtz

  1. you cant remove my pass I AM THE NIGGER
  2. wow so how about instead of proposing this idea AND roll bonuses you jsut fucking do it instead? whoa its like you can do things on your own just ask an nco "hay sgt faggot can i make sparring thing and train people in hit with fist" and they will probably say "yes i would love to take credit for this but not have to actually train anyone myself" baddabing baddaboom its easy
  3. thats clearly outside dumpass
  4. im not sure you fucking understand i havent even watched the movie but ive read the book they get their asses trained out they fuckin die in training hell they dont even get power armor till like the last 1/4th of it sure its .net sst but still it aint easy shit u feel me homie
  5. ALL THIS MARTIAL ARTS TALK IS USELESS YOU ALREADY GOT MARTIAL ARTS TRAINING IN BASIC REMEMBER IN THE MOVIE AND THE BOOK WHEN ZIM WOOPS SOME ASS? THATS WHAT YOU GET IN BASIC NOT ONLY THAT, THE ONLY THINGS YOU CAN FIGHT WITH YOUR HANDS IS OTHER PEOPLE BUGS'LL CUT THROUGH A MARAUDER PROGGIES CAN MULCH YOU SKINNIES have claws or something and their suits probably give them more strength im not too sure skinnies are mysterious so [redacted] can make shit up on the spot for their events also they are psychic and people? its likely seps dont have as much training as you so you already have +50 against them and even if they are sanctuary dogs, who's to say that other guy isnt also a 7th level blackbelt of bi-shi-doa all this is an excuse to get more roll bonuses cuz muh sparring muh char is badass im the fuckin cleric of gun kata bitch dont FUCK with me
  6. i got a good debuff get shot die perfect makes it so we can rid this server of more undesirables
  7. I do not have authorization yet but this will be considered. -MSpc. Cortez
  8. ok ok allow my post pls i spent like 60000 hours in paint on this and an addition 1488 hours in gmod to pose this the fucken picture doesnt wanna tucken upload u pizz ashit i can send u the file later but heres a puush screenshot GIMME MY FIDDY BUCKS
  9. hey how about u make a character that isnt a boring generic russian character that everyone else has shit out
  10. its part of the FIERCE look mmkay
  11. add swift, top level lesbian watcher
  12. Pvt. Christopher Miller[CH1 - RADIO]: Make sure the bycicle doesn't have any contraband or bombs.
  13. swift and yeah when will she confess her totally real love for swift come on yo kek
  14. actual response 1: Rate the current state of "Internal Security" on a rate of 1-5. 0 2: In your own words, what's the purpose of Internal Security? It has none Everything it can do, NCO's do better Not only do they do it better, theres a much lower chance an NCO is as retardedly cruel or just socially dead as a marine They have absolutely ZERO use in missions why have a marine protect a VIP when you have metal suited marauders or any other bumblefuck recruit, the result will be the same They do investigations, but it's never of actual things happening it's always some made up shit because nothing that happens on the ship would require an investigation, especially not one that requires any heavy effort 3: What are the strengths and weaknesses of Internal Security? The green armor looks pretty good It has no leadership Its XO doesn't play. Its lead doesn't play. It's members don't know what to do, how to do it, or what they even do. And as before, it has no purpose Medics have a purpose, engineers have a purpose, marauders have a purpose, hell even fleet does marines are about as useful as pathfinders are 4: What are the major problems facing the division? All of them 5: What do you suggest that can improve the faction, make it more enjoyable? I dunno, I dunno if anything can improve it 6: Anything else you wish to add? (Put anything here): NO
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