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Everything posted by Pasta

  1. Minor Update: Added: New Journal Log: 01/26/2999
  2. Pasta

    stick fight

    I know you don't want these hands. @Xalphox
  3. Minor Update: Added: O. Graham L. Hartwick Removed and replaced a few names. - Hur Hur WaTeR tRuCk JoKe HeRe
  4. Minor Update: Updated: M. Valentine S. Breeland Added: V.Dominiko A.Tschenkowtisch E. Shepard
  5. Major Update: Added: S.Ruse D.Dumont S.Bently M.Valentine S.Freeman J.Choi S.Breeland A.Volker
  6. 20:12:28 - WO. Aaron Holtz: Bently your AA- 20:12:29 - Cpl. Cornelius Zeem: Fuck. 20:12:35 - **WO. Aaron Holtz winced as the hot water hit his face again. 20:12:38 - WO. Aaron Holtz: I hate BOTH of you. 20:12:39 - **SSpc. Daniel Dumont jumped into the hot-tub. 20:12:48 - Cpl. Pauline Westervelt: I see I made a timely exit. 20:12:49 - SSpc. Daniel Dumont: Awh, I had cold balls all day... 20:12:52 - Cpl. Pauline Westervelt: Evening all. 20:12:52 - WO. Aaron Holtz: Bently. 20:12:54 - WO. Aaron Holtz: Accept it. 20:12:57 - WO. Aaron Holtz: Your hot-tub is gone. 20:12:59 - WO. Aaron Holtz: Forever. 20:13:01 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently: w This is just cruel... 20:13:05 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>SHUT UP HOLTZ. 20:13:10 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>HEY BENTLY YOU CAN GET IN THE TUB YOU KNOW. 20:13:12 - SSpc. Daniel Dumont: --Might I add, Bently, that this is -better- than your hot-tub. 20:13:14 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>THAT"S A THING YOU CAN DO. 20:13:15 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>NO. 20:13:21 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>OH WHAT THE FUCK DUMONT GOT TO TRY YOUR TUB?! 20:13:22 - **Lt. Lux 'Sól' Archer chuckles. 20:13:25 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>WHAT THE HELL BENTLY. 20:13:31 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>LISTEN HERE. 20:13:36 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>YOU DIDNT ASK,. 20:13:36 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>I AM LISTENING. 20:13:37 - Cpl. Cornelius Zeem: Aw.. 20:13:41 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>YOU NEVER TOLD ME. 20:13:42 - Cpl. Cornelius Zeem: Is it your tub..? 20:13:49 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>I DONT CARE. 20:13:54 - SSpc. Daniel Dumont: I get to try whatever I want. 20:13:54 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>NO FUCK YOU. NOT SHARING. 20:13:56 - SSpc. Daniel Dumont: --Right, Archer? 20:14:01 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>I NEVER EVEN OFFERED IT TO DUMONT, HE JUST JUMPED IN. 20:14:04 - Lt. Lux 'Sól' Archer: Sure. 20:14:11 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>WELL I SEE HOW OUR RELATIONSHIP IS&gt; 20:14:13 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>I SEE. 20:14:17 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently: Don't tell him that, LIeutenant. 20:14:26 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>OUR RELATIONSHIP ISN'T ANYTHING YET BECAUSE SOMEONE 20:14:26 - Lt. Lux 'Sól' Archer: Honestly, I wasn't paying attention to what he said. 20:14:33 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>DON'T YOU DARE. 20:14:34 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>SOMEONE HOLTZ 20:14:35 - SSpc. Daniel Dumont: I said would you like to go to dinner. 20:14:40 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>WOW. 20:14:44 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>WONT FUCK ME 20:14:45 - Lt. Lux 'Sól' Archer: You'll have to ask my husband. 20:14:48 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>/HOLTZ/ 20:14:50 - SSpc. Daniel Dumont: Nah, we skip him. 20:14:53 - SSpc. Daniel Dumont: He's no fun, right? 20:15:00 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>WELL YOU COULD JOIN ME AND WE COULD 20:15:02 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>I WONDER WHO. /HOLTZ/ 20:15:04 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>/BENTLY/ 20:15:15 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>OH YEAH? CAN I? 20:15:17 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>YEAH. 20:15:18 - **Lt. Lux 'Sól' Archer wrinkles her nose. "Nahh... he's pretty fun." 20:15:23 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>YEAH? 20:15:25 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>IN A HOT-TUB. THAT ISN"T YOURS&gt; 20:15:27 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>YEAH. 20:15:37 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>YA KNOW WHAT, I JUST MIGHT. 20:15:42 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>YOU DO THAT. IT FEELS GREAT. 20:15:42 - Lt. Lux 'Sól' Archer: That Corporal has to be dead... right? 20:15:42 - SSpc. Daniel Dumont: Yeah, but I'm -double- the fun. 20:15:44 - SSpc. Daniel Dumont: Ask Bently. 20:15:49 - Cpl. Cornelius Zeem: No. 20:15:51 - Lt. Lux 'Sól' Archer: Like... just sitting there... ignoring all of you fuckers. 20:15:54 - Cpl. Cornelius Zeem: I'm still alive. 20:16:06 - **Cpt. Sebastian Bently Removed a sharpie, walking over, shoes and all and stepped in, walking over to the over side and writing on the wall. 20:16:08 - Cpl. Cornelius Zeem: I get used to...that. 20:16:15 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>MOVE FATTIE. 20:16:21 - SSpc. Daniel Dumont: --Stay away from that Waka-Flaka, kids. 20:16:22 - Cpl. Cornelius Zeem: Aye Sir. 20:16:27 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>YOU"RE SUPPOSE TO TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES /BENTLY/ 20:16:28 - SSpc. Daniel Dumont: Bently here thought he could walk on water. 20:16:39 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>NO REMOVE THAT 20:16:43 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>THIS IS NOT YOURS. 20:16:47 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>NO. IT'S MINE. 20:16:48 - SSpc. Daniel Dumont: --Wait, that's how you spell it?! 20:16:54 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>SINCE WHEN? 20:16:54 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>I PAID FOR THIS PLACE. 20:17:00 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT YOURS! 20:17:01 - Cpl. Cornelius Zeem: Fair enough.. 20:17:14 - **Cpt. Sebastian Bently kicked his foot forward, sending water in Holtz's face. 20:17:21 - **WO. Aaron Holtz sputtered and spat out water. 20:17:23 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>RUDE. 20:17:23 - **SSpc. Daniel Dumont stands. 20:17:24 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>IT SURE ISN'T /YOURS/ 20:17:25 - SSpc. Daniel Dumont[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>NO SPLASHING! 20:17:27 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>IT IS MINE. 20:17:33 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>NO, IT ISN'T. 20:17:37 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>/BABE/ 20:17:38 - **Lt. Lux 'Sól' Archer crosses her arms under her chest. 20:17:39 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>YES, IT IS. 20:17:42 - SSpc. Daniel Dumont[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>I WON'T STAND FOR THIS LAWLESS SOCIETY. 20:17:45 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>/HUN/ 20:17:47 - **SSpc. Daniel Dumont takes his leave from the savages. 20:17:52 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>LISTEN HERE, /PUMPKIN/ 20:17:54 - Cpl. Cornelius Zeem: Dumont. 20:18:00 - Cpl. Cornelius Zeem: Ah, left. 20:18:05 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>IM LISTENING /DARLING/ 20:18:09 - Lt. Lux 'Sól' Archer: Oh, hey there darling. 20:18:15 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>YEAH, HEY THERE /DARLING/ 20:18:16 - TSgt. Joshua 'Hades' Edwards: Hi... 20:18:22 - Lt. Lux 'Sól' Archer: Lovers quarrel. 20:18:22 - **Cpt. Sebastian Bently looks to Edwards. 20:18:23 - **Cpl. Cornelius Zeem looks back. 20:18:28 - Cpl. Cornelius Zeem: Hey Koros. 20:18:31 - **WO. Aaron Holtz let out an offended gasp. 20:18:37 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME? 20:18:37 - TSgt. Joshua 'Hades' Edwards: I was down stairs standing at a poker talbe and heard Bently screaming and I knew I wasn't behind him. 20:18:38 - TSgt. Joshua 'Hades' Edwards: So.... 20:18:41 - TSgt. Joshua 'Hades' Edwards: Had to come see. 20:18:45 - **Lt. Lux 'Sól' Archer chuckles. 20:18:46 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>MAYBE I AM. 20:18:50 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>HOW COULD YOU? 20:19:01 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>AS HE SAID. HE MAKES ME SCREAM BEHIND ME. 20:19:07 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>BECAUSE SOMEONE, HOLTZ. 20:19:10 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>I THOUGHT YOU AND I HAD SOMETHING! SOMETHING GRETA! 20:19:14 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>/SOMEONE/ 20:19:20 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>SOMEONE WILL FUCK ME. 20:19:24 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>/HOLTZ/ 20:19:28 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>WHEN DID I SAY I WOULDN'T /BENTLY/ 20:19:30 - TSgt. Joshua 'Hades' Edwards: The male g spot is in the anus but being gay is a sin.... how cruel god is indeed. 20:19:34 - TSgt. Joshua 'Hades' Edwards: Thats when I take my leave. 20:19:48 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>ALL THESE YEARS THAT YOU HAVEN'T BEEN FUCKING ME, HOLTZ. 20:19:48 - **Lt. Lux 'Sól' Archer shakes her head a little, she began laughing. 20:20:02 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>YOU NEVER /ASKED/ 20:20:14 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO ASK. 20:20:23 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>MAYBE I WANTED TO KNOW IF IT WAS OKAY /BENTLY/ 20:20:33 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>I BET ARCHER DOESN'T HAVE TO ASK. 20:20:41 - **Cpt. Sebastian Bently Returned to his usual calm and flat tone. 20:20:43 - Lt. Lux 'Sól' Archer: I don't. 20:20:46 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently: Do you, Lieutenant? 20:20:53 - Lt. Lux 'Sól' Archer: Nope. I've never had to ask. 20:20:54 - **Cpt. Sebastian Bently nods, returning to his yelling. 20:20:56 - **WO. Aaron Holtz turned his head to look "I'd hope not." 20:20:57 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>SEE? 20:21:03 - **WO. Aaron Holtz sputtered 20:21:06 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>SHE DOESNT ASK. 20:21:09 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>NO. DON'T COMPAIR OUR RELATIONSHIP TO OTHERS! 20:21:16 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>WHY NOT? 20:21:26 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>BECAUSE THEN I'LL SEE HOW BAD YOU TREAT ME? 20:21:35 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>I TREAT YOU AMAZINGLY BENTLY HOW DAR EYOU. 20:21:41 - Lt. Lux 'Sól' Archer[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>BENTLY, HE'S NEVER GOING TO TREAT YOU LIKE JOSH DOES! 20:21:42 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>NO YOU DON'T. 20:21:48 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>WHO IS JOSH! 20:21:48 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>SHE'S RIGHT. 20:21:52 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>EDWARDS. 20:21:57 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>I LOVE YOU. 20:22:10 - **WO. Aaron Holtz let out an even louder offeneded gasp. 20:22:15 - Cpl. Cornelius Zeem: Mister Holtz, I can love instead. 20:22:15 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>BENTLY HOW COULD YOU. 20:22:20 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>SHUT UP, SLUT. 20:22:23 - **TSgt. Joshua 'Hades' Edwards gives a small wink, "Love you too boo." 20:22:25 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>ME A SLUT? 20:22:26 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>YOU'RE A SIDE BITCH. 20:22:30 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>YOU STAY OUT OF THIS EDWARDS. 20:22:35 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>HOW DARE YOU. 20:22:40 - TSgt. Joshua 'Hades' Edwards: How can I stay out of Bently? 20:22:43 - TSgt. Joshua 'Hades' Edwards: its so warm... 20:22:43 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>LISTEN HERE YOU SIDE HOE LOOKING ASS. 20:22:43 - **Lt. Lux 'Sól' Archer passes a playful glance at Edwards before looking back at Bently. 20:22:54 - **WO. Aaron Holtz placed his hand to his chest. 20:22:57 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>YOU TAKE THAT BACK. 20:22:57 - **Cpt. Sebastian Bently would attempt to keep a straight face, as he had been this entire time. 20:23:04 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently: I am quite warm, yeah. 20:23:19 - TSgt. Joshua 'Hades' Edwards: Bet you're all wet in that water too... 20:23:19 - **Cpt. Sebastian Bently took out his PDA, tapping on it for a moment. 20:23:26 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently: Not just in the water. 20:23:28 - WO. Aaron Holtz: I feel cheaeted. 20:23:31 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently: Sweetcheeks. 20:23:50 - **WO. Aaron Holtz attempted to keep a straight face. Cracking a small smile. 20:23:57 - Lt. Lux 'Sól' Archer: Wow... I feel like I'm a third wheel in our marriage, Josh. 20:24:01 - **Lt. Lux 'Sól' Archer chuckles. 20:24:05 - Cpl. Cornelius Zeem: Your pants are wet. 20:24:42 - TSgt. Joshua 'Hades' Edwards: Seeing how big Bently is... I'd say maybe fourth wall at a push. 20:24:48 - TSgt. Joshua 'Hades' Edwards[LOOC]: wheel* 20:25:02 - Lt. Lux 'Sól' Archer: Wow... just wow. 20:25:13 - : Daniel Dumont's name was changed from Daniel Dumont to Daniel 'Big Daddy D' Dumont. 20:26:18 - Lt. Lux 'Sól' Archer: I'm hurt. 20:26:22 - Lt. Lux 'Sól' Archer: Fourth fuckin' wheel. 20:26:39 - WO. Aaron Holtz: I'm hurt. I'm being used. 20:29:34 - TSgt. Joshua 'Hades' Edwards: Hmm, well I'll leave you all too fucking. 20:29:42 - TSgt. Joshua 'Hades' Edwards: Gonna go see who else isn't boring.
  7. 20:05:34 - WO. Aaron Holtz: People are odd. 20:05:46 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>HOLTZ. 20:05:52 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>WHAT 20:05:58 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>ARE YOU TAUNTING ME? 20:06:02 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>WHAT WHEN? 20:06:07 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>I COULD BE. 20:06:24 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>FUCKING 'LOOK AT ME IM IN A HOTTUB AND BENTLY DOESN'T HAVE ONE' 20:06:33 - **Cpl. Pauline Westervelt smiled mildly, leaning back to the sweet sounds of these pair of angels. 20:06:35 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>YEAH. YEAH I AM. 20:06:37 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>FUCK YOU AND ALL YOU STAND FOR. 20:06:40 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>NO FUCK YOU. 20:06:46 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>YOU HAD A HOTTUB FOR /HOW/ LONG? 20:06:47 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>NO FUCK YOU. 20:06:50 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>NO FUCK YOU! 20:07:03 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>COME OUT HERE AND SAY THAT TO MY FACE. 20:07:07 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>I FUCKING WILL. 20:07:08 - **WO. Aaron Holtz got up. ] -duck 20:07:12 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>DO IT PUSSY. 20:07:15 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently: Oh no- 20:07:16 - WO. Aaron Holtz: Fuck you. 20:07:17 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently: I mean. 20:07:25 - Cpl. Pauline Westervelt[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>Put some clothes on first. 20:07:27 - **Cpt. Sebastian Bently blinked a few times, straightening up. 20:07:31 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently: Yeah, fuck me. 20:07:34 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently: You won't. 20:07:36 - **WO. Aaron Holtz blinked a few times. 20:07:38 - WO. Aaron Holtz: Bet. 20:07:44 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently: Right now. 20:07:48 - WO. Aaron Holtz: This is so sudden. 20:07:54 - WO. Aaron Holtz: How can our love ever be. 20:07:58 - **Cpt. Sebastian Bently cracked a brief grin, laughing a little. 20:08:01 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently: Valid. 20:08:06 - **WO. Aaron Holtz chuckled. 20:08:14 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently: Fuck's sake. 20:08:14 - WO. Aaron Holtz: I'm going back in, it's fucking cold out here. 20:08:21 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently: Fair. 20:08:31 - WO. Aaron Holtz: Still fuck you for having a hot-tub and not sharing. 20:08:38 - WO. Aaron Holtz: Dick. 20:08:38 - Cpl. Cornelius Zeem[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>Mister Holtz. Cover your 'Tool' please. You are naked. 20:08:39 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently: Wow. 20:08:43 - WO. Aaron Holtz[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>No. 20:08:47 - Cpl. Cornelius Zeem[YELL]: <color=215, 105, 105>Okay. 20:08:48 - **Cpt. Sebastian Bently looked down. 20:08:51 - WO. Aaron Holtz: Why. 20:08:54 - WO. Aaron Holtz: You literally didn't have to. 20:08:57 - WO. Aaron Holtz: And yet you did. 20:09:06 - WO. Aaron Holtz: YOU WENT OUT OF YOUR WAY. 20:09:08 - Cpt. Sebastian Bently: Yeah- I don't know why I did that.. 20:09:13 - **Cpt. Sebastian Bently was still looking down. 20:09:14 - WO. Aaron Holtz: You worry me. 20:09:19 - WO. Aaron Holtz: Bently, My eyes are up here. 20:09:31 - **Cpt. Sebastian Bently looked up, clearing his throat.
  8. It's said even today, He cannot find his squad.
  9. Minor Update: Added new log Updated character relations
  10. Pasta

    Judus Dezolnos

    Theme Photo of PFC. Judus Dezonlons calling up to higher during his time in the 134th Regiment General Information Name: Judus Steven Dezolnos Aliases: "Dez" Faction: Mobile Infantry Age: Early Twenties Place of Birth: Terra. Status: Alive Known Languages: English Mental Illnesses: N/A Physical Disabilities: N/A Occupation: Soldier, RTO Motto: "All ends well when the war is over." Weight: 185 Lbs Height: 5.8 Hair Color: Dirty Blond Eye Color: Brown COMMENDATIONS: None at this moment in time Demeanor: Laid back. Calm. Habits: Spacing out. Phobias: Chiroptophobia (Fear of Bats), Taphephobia (Fear of being in the grave while alive) Marital Status: Single Mental State: Sane WEAPON(S): MK1 OUTFIT: Basic MI Gear, Scratched up helmet and Armor, Radio Pack SPECIALIZATIONS: Radio Telephone Operator JOB: Mobile Infantry, FAVORITE ITEM(S): Radio Pack RELATIONSHIPS: Family of the MI(To be built later: Make it easier for me, Request!) Lover/Romantic feelings/ Trusted/Amiable / Respected / Acquaintance / Known / Neutral / Mixed / Particular/Exceptional Dislike / † = Sanity / † = Deceased
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