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Everything posted by Spooks

  2. Spooks


    quit your quitting
  3. Spooks


    no it was rhetorical go back to your smoking
  4. Spooks


    invalids and civilians cant vote fuck nugger
  5. why is this nazzes like nazz is a plural entity instead of nazz's like possessive
  6. https://puu.sh/CqhTU/10dcef2835.webm
  7. if u need to ask to be added u dont rp with that person enough 2 warrant an entry. change my mind
  8. Spooks


    there's no need for a poll we already universally agree that this needs 2 be fixed
  9. ya but it's wrong to say the mobile infantry is totally incompetent. if they were they would just try the same things over and over. in the 3rd film (even if it's trash), we see that the MI have learned to use rank and file tactics against waves of bugs along with cycling their shooting so they have a wave of bullets mixed with grenades.
  10. the federation actually adapted to the bug's pretty damn quick. as soon as they found out they couldn't just send MI down to fight the bugs 1 on 1, the sky marshal resigned, the new sky marshal said 'okay we glass them and the MI kill the stragglers'. hence 'fleet glasses the planet, MI mops up'. also if the MI and fed were incompetent at war why would they seek to interrogate a potential source of intel on how 2 fight bog better???
  11. Also. If we're really in the business of getting rid of the word tank - A word so cursed that it makes even the most veteran marauder shudder - Then stop comparing it to Fallout's power armor. Here's why.
  12. On another note; I would like to turn everyone's attention to Pundii's post. He deliberately went out of his way to address real concerns about the faction, yet here we are, debating the armor and health. Something we've been debating for the better part of two years. Do some thinking, please.
  13. https://puu.sh/CeyUU/10098b0aa0.webm
  14. u forgot the part where we use necromorph NPCs
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