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Everything posted by Spooks

  1. worth noting that moritas occasionally fire "backwards" under intense periods of lag.
  2. Using the warhead ammo pack with your Morita in your current hands slot (eg, out) converts the warheads into Morita ammo.
  3. Skins are done in entity. The vest can be swapped. Sleeves? Pants? Shoulders? Helmets? Nadda.
  4. Despite the negative responses to the PAC bonemerging, I'm actually in favor of it and only for one reason. As of now, the models can't have their bodygroups changed through PAC. That's not SW's fault either, it's just that PAC is a finnicky piece of shit when it comes to bonemerging.
  5. these are fuckin' excellent
  6. [Thu Aug 31 14:51:11 2017] Pvt. Jackie Knoxx: You fucked my knee up. [Thu Aug 31 14:51:16 2017] MSgt. Eleanor Tuuli: That was the intent. [Thu Aug 31 14:51:16 2017] Sgt. Aphelion 'Preacher' Dominica says, "That was the intent, yes."
  7. Technician: /pm Melchert ** Melchert finds his heart sink as he walks further away from the dumpster... He feels hurt leaving its side. He shouldn't disappoint the dumpster. The dumpster only provided warmth, and now he's turning his back on her. ** Technician: /pm Curwen ** A sudden spike of jealousy overtakes Curwen. He sees Melchert getting awfully close to the warm dumpster... HIS warm dumpster. Who the fuck is Melchert, moving and touching his dumpster in that way? **
  8. Greene has been hacked before. Same exact phishing tactic. "Hey, you're famous now, here's your video!" Just a little note that he's -not- trying to shit on the server.
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