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Everything posted by Fitz

  1. Your profile picture is too revealing. 


    Cover them collar bones. 

  2. Fitz

    Ji Park

    I got you.
  3. Fitz

    Ji Park

    Ji Park CPo., Flight Crew, AFC BC-291 ULYSSES S. GRANT -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- General Information: Height: 5'4'' Weight: 105lb Hair colour: Black Eye colour: Brown Skin colour: White Physique: Average -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- R -- -- Saint Claire -- I like him, he is good! He seems to be very friendly and I think we are friends. Jap -- I do not know if there are any Japanese on the Grant or in the 112th, but I know it is a very interesting culture due to many years isolation on island. I would like to meet Japanese person. Devin -- I have no met him, but he looks like a nice person and I want to meet him. Doss -- Well, I am still unsure about how I feel with death. It is strange, I saw his corpse, but at point I was thinking of sending out distress signal. He say something about OCS to me, and those are bad thoughts to have when someone die, me thinking about it. I hope there is a new one too, because we went a year without having one. It is sad I didn't know who he was. Wolff -- He is the Lieutenant of Arclight squadron. I think he seems very good, but it is a shame he never fly and has to do so many paper work. I hope some day he train me on how to be a better pilot, but he seem too busy. I like talk with him though, he is nice. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
  4. Fitz

    Current timeline

    Yes please. If it weren't for the RP on FaW being pretty terrible, I would much rather play there. That's why people play FaW, because it's actually SSTRP. If we can have that plus the better standard of RP, I don't see why anyone would stay on FaW besides possibly to keep some rank they got in two days that makes them feel special. I feel like I've a pretty interesting sep movement on Elixaeberna that I've put quite a bit of effort into, but because I'm not an admin it's always hard to get someone to actually sponsor my shit so the points between my pre-written events which are ready to go are really long, so nobody remembers them as easily. If you'd like to sponsor me, please, I'll take anyone at this point. I'll send you the few google docs I've written. But yeah I pretty much agree, and people keep talking about how Grimm and a few other people made all these great campaigns, but they're gone now because it isn't SSTRP anymore, lol. Orwell and sw remain, but those are the only two I can think of, and sw doesn't often do events so it's pretty much just Orwell who I can rely on to make a decent campaign.
  5. I dared ask a GM to put effort into an execution instead of just calling everyone away from their bar RP to spend 7 minutes shooting NPC's in a line with no RP whatsoever attached. I said it was meaningless, and people thought the by meaning I must have meant positive meaning, or that characters should feel compassionate or emotional about the executions, but it occurred to nobody that I wasn't talking about how your character should feel at all, just that the RP was literally nonexistent from the GM and therefore positive nor negative emotions could be cultivated properly.
  6. In a world. . . The action movie writes itself.
  7. You know, I gotta say, I really like the theme music.
  8. I really like how this music video was done.
  9. It's an interesting music video, but I wouldn't watch it again.
  10. @Randynand's favourite song.
  11. Fitz


    Soon to be obsolete. @OpTiCFaZeSoCkzZz [MARKED FOR CLEANUP]
  12. Soon to be obsolete. @OpTiCFaZeSoCkzZz [MARKED FOR CLEANUP]
  13. Soon to be obsolete. @OpTiCFaZeSoCkzZz [MARKED FOR CLEANUP]
  14. @OpTiCFaZeSoCkzZz [MARKED FOR CLEANUP] Let's just hide this thread already plis.
  15. Fitz

    Medical Equipment

    @F r a n c o This doesn't exist, right? [MARKED FOR CLEANUP]
  16. Soon to be obsolete. @OpTiCFaZeSoCkzZz [MARKED FOR CLEANUP]
  17. Fitz


  18. Soon to be obsolete. @OpTiCFaZeSoCkzZz [MARKED FOR CLEANUP]
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