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Posts posted by jtfang

  1. Name: jtfang6

    Character Name: Rogelio Marino

    Character Rank (EG: Private): Recruit as of writing.
    Character Division (EG: Engineer): Mobile Infantryman

    Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198334391872/

    On-Duty or Off-Duty: Both? It's just a head model. All that really matters.
    PAC Content (Total of imported assets. Not file size) Size: Two. One head, one hair. 5.61 megabytes
    Images/Videos of the PAC or Imgur link to load: To be attached.


  2. IC: 
    Name: Louis Ayers
    Age: 29
    Gender: Male
    Eye Color: Grey
    Hair Color: Black
    Height: Five Feet, Eight Inches.
    Weight: 162 pounds

    Character Background
    Educational History:  High marks in high school, instantly went fleet.
    Service Record: He, of course, has spent time on the bridge; a year, to be precise, where he achieved the rank of Petty Officer. A fairly decent combat record where TAC is concerned. He's earned his citizenship, including a good conduct Ribbon, and over the course of his almost ten years as a fighter pilot has earned multiple purple hearts, two combat action metals, and has earned the Ace Combat Ribbon during the civil war. Marred by his eventual desertion and, unknown to the federation at this point, defection to the remnant 112th.

    Steam name: jtfang6
    Steam ID: 76561198334391872
    Length of time on Server: Over a year, at least. Feel like it might be coming up to two, didn't keep track.
    Time zone: EST/EDT

    Current characters on server: Vissarion Lobov Anatolievich, Ajax Drivas, Andrew Bain
    Roleplay History: Done text-based RP since I was 10. Came to this server and have been dedicated.

  3. Name: Lobov Vissarion Anatolievich
    Age: 23
    Race: Caucasian
    Gender: Male
    Eye Color: Brown
    Hair Color: Brown
    Height: Five feet, Nine Inches
    Weight: 152 pounds
    Employment & Background
    Current Rank: Private
    Educational History: Highschool, low grades in most things aside from Art.
    Criminal Record: Before I joined the grant, I've done many bad things. I've been accessory to murder, I've possesed firearms when I shouldn't, I've been thrown in for assault... But I never really had a choice, aside from survive. My record since joining the grant is clean. I hope you put this into consideration.
    Employment History: Unemployed.
    Service Record: 
    Achieved the rank of private during the drop to the distress call of the 104th. Achieved marksmen status, has SAW certification.
    Server Time: Been on the server well over a year now i'm damn sure. Probably two years soon.
    Roleplay History: Been roleplaying text-based since I was ten. SSTRP was my first garrysmod RP.
  4. It's kind of my personal opinion that we've returned to the same old way we did things on the grant, except that we're mercs now. Player impact's still not as good as it could be. Remember the Zion? I feel like the situation was much more fun on there, seeing as we had to constantly scavenge that way, *and* there where way more small-group events that allowed players to directly control the plotline.

  5. [Insert Char theme song here]

    [Insert Reference picture here]

    Basic Information:

    Ajax Drivas




    112th Morita's, Bently's Bastards.


    Dexsia Drivas - Mother


    True Good

    Hair color:

    Eye color:

    Lean, proportioned.

    Senior specialist

    Had a relatively relaxed life, balanced out by the attitude that fleet had taught his mother. Never knew his father, a subject he never felt comfortable with speaking to Dexsia about. Graduated highschool with technical honors, would work on a Karrusian farm for a short period before enlisting. Fought in multiple battles, gaining a combat action medal and successfully completing his first term with flying colors. He would shortly apply, and be accepted, for the Marauder Program.


    Strength: 10
    Dexterity: 10
    Constitution: 30
    Intelligence: 10
    Charisma: 10

    Misc. Attributes:
    Kind-hearted to a fault.

    Combat Rating: 8.5/10

    Pain/Health: 6/10

    Wealth: Middle-class

    Character Description: Hair is longer than what most people have, but still well within regulation. Fairly fit, with a lean build due. He wears a casual smile. Recent conflict has brought many new scars all along his body. Bright Green eyes.

    comes off to most as approachable; at least, from what he's seen. Usually there to help. Extremely dedicated.

    Received a combat action medal and good conduct medal.


    Never fixing his relationship with Wade Simons, Never getting to know Ajay Arsenal, leaving Barnes on a bad note in their relationship.

    Personal Relationships

    --[[Federation Mobile Infantry]]--

    Aaron Holtz - I'm not sure how we became such close friends, but the Staff Sergeant has been there for all of us for a long time, from what I can gather. He's barely a year older than me, and yet he's like the Father I never had. I look up to him, and come to him whenever I need help. Sometimes, I don't even have to ask.
    Roki Bosanac - A good friend, with his quirks. Competent though, and really suportive.

    Steven Hartcourt - I don't know him very well, but hes a friendly enough man. I'll have to talk to him at some point.
    Well, that idea came and went. Stay safe...
    Noemi Roseangela - You're Hecle's girl. You're kind-hearted, short, and have done more for others than many have. You're a good person, and you're good for him. I'll fight for you til my last breath.
    Oliver Stanley - A good guy, far as I can tell, and looking for someone to hold onto. Lost his leg already, and I hope to bring him from the brink before something much worse happens. I'm keeping my eyes on you, brother.

    --[[Federation Engineering Division]]--

    Hecle Phan - He's probably one of my best friends. A good drinking buddy, and reliable. I need to learn more about him; I don't really know him that well.

    Seraphine "Sunny" Von Strattmann - She's told me her story of Berlin. It hurts knowing how broken she is, and I wish I could put her back together. As it stands, she's like a sister to me. I'll always be there for her.

    Maxwell DeVries - I don't know them very well, but they seem like a kind sort. They're as fucked by the Algae as I am, but without anyone to comfort them at night. I hope you get better, you seem like a nice man.

    Naomi Reel - I'm a faithful man, I know I am. I love Lisa, but even then.... Naomi, You're more important to me than I think you realize, even if we have talked about this.



    --[[Federation Hospital Corps]]--

    Erhart "Runt" Von Strattmann- I met him before I met his sister. They where drunk, and fighting, and I helped get him away. Afterwards, we talked about the issue; and from that point forward, we've been good friends. Similar to Sunny, he feels like a brother to me, and just like his sister, I'll be there for him whenever he needs it.

    --[[Federation Marauders]]--

    Katsuki Ito - I don't know how exactly, but you and I and close. Like many others, you are my sister. But compared to the others? We couldn't be closer. I will watch over you and protect you so long as I am breathing.

    --[[Federation Fleet]]--

    Lisa 'Cobra' White - No matter what stripes you wear, my love, I will be there for you. we've been through so much together, and I don't regret one thing that has happened between us. I love you.

    Carson Sawyer - She's a good friend, probably my favorite in fleet after Lisa. Even with the rank gap, there's enough there I can talk to her comfortably and seek her counsel. If thing's had been a bit different...?

    --[[Federation Provost Corps (Marines)]]--



    --[[The Fallen, Forgotten, Transferred]]--
    Ajay Arsenal - I'm sorry I couldn't of gotten to know you before you had to go. I'm sorry. I'll start tallying Royal's alongside the Tankers.

    Wade Simons - You where an asshole, Simons. But you where a good rival, and still dependable on the field. I've started taking a record on the number of Tankers killed afterwards; the number is steadily going up. Godspeed, Mega milk.
    Shane Emmet - I miss you, brother. Ortiz will die, that I will make sure.
    Oliver Stanley - Well... At least you're no longer suffering from a broken heart.
  6. Name: Ajax "Telamon" Drivas
    Age: 24
    Gender: Male
    Eye Color: Dark Green
    Hair Color: Black
    Height: Five feet, eleven inches
    Weight: 195
    Employment & Background
    Current Rank: Private First Class
    Educational History: Highschool with Technical Honors
    Service Record: Clean record, noted for his tendency to take point, and assist in evacuating wounded soldiers in the field. Received the Good Conduct Medal And Combat Action Medal for these actions.
    Steam name: jtfang6
    Steam ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198334391872/
    Length of time on Server: A couple years now, at least.
    Time zone: EDT/EST. I'm on often.

    Current characters on server: Andrew Bain (Lance Corp), Antaeus Kibo (PFC), Wyatt Hal (PFC) (Deceased), Dwight Conelly (Corporal) (Deceased)
    Roleplay History: Been doing text roleplay since I was ten years old and SSTRP is the recent evolution of this, if thats what you mean. Otherwise, I've been doing some reliable RP on the server, albeit I've had a downtime at some point for an extend period. Can't remember when or how long though; but i'm pretty reliable as a player.


  7. IC:
    Combat Engineer Detachment Application of Interest
    Name: Antaeus Kibo
    Age: 27
    Race: Caucasian
    Gender: Male
    Eye Color: Bright Green
    Hair Color: Dark Brown.
    Height: Six feet, two inches.
    Weight: 193 pounds.
    Employment & Background
    Current Rank: Private
    Educational History: Standard Highschool education; High marks, however.
    Criminal Record: None.
    Employment History: Farm Hand.
    Service Record: Nothing on application.
    Server Time: I've played for at least two years ish now.
    Roleplay History: Two years roughly on SSTRP, been RPing for years though. mostly on A game that no longer exists.

  8. Basic Information:

    Name:  Wyatt Hal
    Age: 19
    D.O.B: February 22nd, 2280
    Gender: Male 
    Affiliation: Federation Loyalist
    Role(s): Mobile Infantry
    Kin: Mother and Father, still at Castus
    Homeworld: Castus
    Alignment: Neutral
    Hair color: Dark (Dirty) Blonde
    Eye color: Green
    Build: Fit, but in the lean sort of way.
    Rank: Recruit

    Backstory: For the most part, his life had been falling into the same monotany that everyone did at the Castus refining facilities at an early age, stuck in a rut until news of the Progenitors (Maybe not by name; not sure what they'd of been called) hit the FedNet. That's when he signed up to do his part; and to get away from home for once.

    Attributes: Brute Strength combat, though not too smart.

    Strength: 15/20
    Dexterity: 13/20
    Constitution: 14/20
    Intelligence: 9/20
    Wisdom: 10/20
    Charisma: 8/20

    Misc. Attributes:

    Combat Rating: 7/10

    Pain/Health: 8/10

    Wealth: Average at best.

    Other Information: Can be sarcastic and dark, a byproduct of his growing up as well as training in the Mobile Infantry.

    Character Description: Not very smart but with a hell of a punch for a person his age and some ability to handle stress and other similar afflictions, he doesn't come off as the social type immediately, though if you get him talking you may (or may not) find him easily able to communicate.

    Minor scaring from labor on his hands and arms, but not much else.




    Personal Relationships
    Relations: Loved|Admired|Like Family, Brethren|Good friends|Friends|Aquaintance|Neutral|Mixed|Dislikes|Hates|Fears

    --[[Federation Mobile Infantry]]--

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