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Everything posted by Ymot

  1. The Worts first fight and a rare pic of the first prototype of Lynn. Both from early 2017.
  2. Just don't ask randomly again and we are good. I am trying make a medic char at the moment and my god I am terrified after this incident, I don't remember much from medical too, so if you want to make Cait 3spc again you know what to do. Also this thread is actually connected to built frustrations I have had since the entire random promotion thing was happening with older players and the treatment towards me and others in that transition. Lets not derail this thread no more and just leave the incident as it is. I will get my Spc. rank in engineering back, it will happen, and then we can pretend this never happened. However my original post still stands, thank you for all the comments everyone and thank you for keeping as civil as possible. I like the old players and new players, just a bit paranoid after recent events. I am no longer replying to this thread, I can only hope some change takes place. If not, well tough luck I lost.
  3. It just seemed unneeded for you to ask me what the blast radius of a nuke was, of course I don't know that that, why would I know that. Other engineers (Who also think the entire scene was quote "Bullshit') also don't know the answer to that question, because we aren't real engineers. We are like what you said, characters, not actual military. I was angry because I just did a drop in which I did well and had fun as an engineer then some person comes and shits on my knowledge, then worse of all gets me into a situation where I have to re-learn munitions. I have been an engineer none stop for 4 months, and always get the job done, I got to Senior Specialist as Carter and EARNED it. Sorry I didn't remember small details, I just ain't into army as some people, I am into the mad universe that is Starship Troopers. I got overly angry, yes, but your question of the radius of a bomb was nothing more but an attempt to talk down to me. It was random and all it did was ruin all my engineering. I am currently working on getting the engineer patches I earned and know how to use back. However I feel like it is a loosing battle now. I still don't understand why you decided to pick on my knowledge out of no where, also I did NCO fine as Carter, I just did it my way and it triggered some people, that I cannot help. I play my way, and I ain't that bright and may forget things but I can't help that, I am just here to have fun.
  4. I agree with the fuel to fire thing, please keep this comment section civil. Also yeah I am over thinker so I get paranoid, my bad.
  5. Maybe he was a spy? Who spilled the info? Joking, joking. Well I guess that makes it just a comment then. However I am paranoid
  6. I understand, thank you. Also no need to apologise
  7. I have met many nice old players, and I think most people here are cool (even the ones who don't like me!). Thank you for commenting this as it makes me understand everything a bit more. As for the Carter conspiracy, I am not sure who directly did it or if it even exists but it keeps getting mentioned to the point I am like "Hm, this is a bit fishy". The death itself felt odd to me and I remember a "There will be a free corporal spot" OOC comment before the drop, I swear. I don't know, all I know is my last roll was 82 or something but because no one else rolled I died? I am not writing an appeal because I have no evidence, only opinions and rumours that couldn't possibly form a good PK appeal. So that is that. I do not mind the older players taking some slots to re furnish the NCO ranks but I just would like some of them to have a better way to go about it. The frustrations in this post are agreed with by many peeps on the server I know but I was only one who was like "I need to say something!". Thank you too all the mature comments, I was literally scared to see the feedback.
  8. I respect your opinion and completely understand your points. Thank you for offering the other perspective in a nice and understanding way Although i stick by my post, I can see some good points in here too.
  9. Being an old player doesn't make you better than any of us, just cause you have more "skills" or "experience" doesn't mean you have the right to talk down on the newer breed of players. The old days are gone and aren't coming back, things are different now and you have to accept it. People from my generation of players were just as dedicated to this server as you, we just do things a little different and that's okay, and some of us might not do it in the way you think is right, but this a game made for FUN and we all have our own ways to go about it. I just hate (and others think this) the feeling of watching over my shoulder, paranoid of making mistakes or feeling I have to prove myself on a god damn rp server on Gmod. We aren't in the actual military, we are bunch of teens and younger adults pretending to be characters in a lore built on shooting bugs mindlessly, this is Gmod rp, not Arma 3 or some military sim. Too many people treat this like a job instead of a game, its okay if people like me forget things as it is a game, me forgetting the blast radius of a bomb isn't an issue as it is a fucking game, there isn't real lives at stake. I am writing this rant because since a bunch of older players came back, getting handed promotions and what not, it feels like anyone who is newer is just being swept under the radar, like we are beneath them, and it is this elitism that needs to stop. Now I may be paranoid but Carters death feels like it is linked to this, I am hearing rumors all over the place about it being a targeted PK. It feels like the newer players are just getting thrown in the trash as the older ones come back and take all the spots. It took me and others ages to get to NCO then these people come back and get it instantly. It is like I am being shown the door, like all my time playing was a waste of time, it meant nothing. I respect the older days, but I seem to receive no respect back, now I know that I ain't that bright, hell I was a lot of special needs classes in school but that doesn't mean I don't deserve a fair chance. I really like this server and I don't mind this community at all, some of you guys are like friends to me but I just don't like this weird unspoken conflict between old and new players. Can we just accept that everyone has there own ways of learning and enjoying themselves? Also this is not a "FUCK U OLD PLAYERZ" Post, it is just and opinion or a theory, fuck knows I just want to let out some frustrations that very well might be all in my head. If you read all of this, thank you (Please warn me if this post is any way breaking rules and I will take it down straight away regardless of my opinions)
  10. done plz dont kill me
  12. she can also kill a royal with one hand whilst doing a triple backflip
  13. Need to talk to her more. When I met her as Cait my wifi cut out because life.
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