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Everything posted by StevieJr

  1. Need to update Chev, he's way overdue lol.
  2. Is Chev to be updated at all, seems old.
  3. Where TF Chev at nigga?
  4. Added the Thackers @Bohannon and @Minibandito, also added Volker @Rook and Clenmore @redneckrOadkill.
  5. FUCK IT IS 5 AM AHAHAHA. ADDED: Hyvonen @That one edgy dude Gaz @Ymot Tommy Wort Devin @saiphun987 Gray @Redshooter O'Reilly @alright sassy
  6. MASSIVE FUCKING UPDATE HOLY SHIT! Updated Relations with: Bently @OpTiCFaZeSoCkzZz Lorenzo @Arrow Hayes @Grizzly Hughes Richardson @Postal Hughes @Troy Hughes Attar @Fitz Harper @Mannulus Also changed format a little bit and have slowly but surely added relationship themes.
  7. Don't worry kiddos, making a huge update to my bio tomorrow, I will also add people as requested in the next day or so.
  8. I'm your favorite person yay!
  9. You got a lot of Bio's to update Grizzly
  10. Updated relations with Bently, Hayes, and Lorenzo, @OpTiCFaZeSoCkzZz @Grizzly Hughes @Arrow
  11. Requesting to keep my +20 roll bonus, James Chevosky was demoted but he was corporal for a long time, I am not asking for this to be an added on roll to my current rank, mostly asking for it to be his base roll even at lower rank, but he has sparred and he is now a veteran of the mobile infantry, so I was wondering if he could keep his +20 roll bonus despite being below corporal.
  12. Sees Chev is still not one of Bently's friends. Cries.
  13. Friday, May 18, 2018 SSgt. Sebastian Bently: /yell. 'First of all.' SSgt. Sebastian Bently: /yell. 'Hyvonen, Holland.' SSgt. Sebastian Bently: /yell. 'I would like to start by saying your accuracy is fucking awful.' SSgt. Sebastian Bently: /yell. 'Next time you want to frag me on the field aim for my fucking head.' SSgt. Sebastian Bently: /yell. 'The rest of you. Firing lines. Use. Them.' SSgt. Sebastian Bently: /yell. 'And watch your fucking aim. So help me God if I get shot by either of you dumb cunts again I'll shoot you back. And you will not stand up afterwards.' SSgt. Sebastian Bently: /yell. 'Recruit with the eerily familiar last name, you're promoted.' Pvt. Vinny Sebastion /me. 'Would smile to himself saying a small "Yaaay~" under his breath' SSgt. Sebastian Bently: /yell. 'The rest of you, go shower, go relax. Except Hyvonen and Holland. I hope you stub your fucking toes in the shower.' SSgt. Sebastian Bently: /yell. 'Dismissed.'
  14. Yo, what about James Chevosky, if she even has anything on him.
  15. Updated, added Sean Richardson and Daisy Bailey. @HazyDay @Postal
  16. Gotta have Chev in there
  17. It looks the same as it did last time.
  18. StevieJr

    Liliana Verbeck

    Yo put that James Chevosky on there
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