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radical roach

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Everything posted by radical roach

  1. lalatina... dont say that... pac is real rp...
  2. why do u want pictures of a man in a dress too much champions
  3. haha he called u a retard
  4. dont listen to the haters i like it
  5. neo-pilotfish you know it really seems impractical to have neo-dogs if you look at it objectively. it seems like their jobs could be handled by tracking and sensor technology and drones
  6. ill give u 20/20 score if u erp with me
  7. go to notification settings http://forums.starshiptroopersrp.net/index.php?/notifications/options/ and tick on automatically follow new content i post then u will get a notification when someone posts in the threads u make probably u might have to go back and manually follow all the threads u have already made tho
  8. here's a glitch on our forums poll threads are broken on the Dimension (Default) theme, which is the theme with the banner pic of the MI shooting bugs. the default theme when u come on the server. i can view threads that are polls on the Default theme, the baked in IPS theme check this test thread i made http://forums.starshiptroopersrp.net/index.php?/topic/226-pole/
  9. grimm don't listen to pilotfish, we're on ur side here
  10. so where do i post to apply to rp the dog?
  11. imagine the inflation 290 years in the future when there are endless quantities of SPACE OIL, it's probably a reasonable value
  12. update lerwick and nasser and volker and vernon and cherry and albertson and biggums and freeson and wolff and xeno and holtz and sim and vits and ofarrell and gatsubashi and franco and tram and zeploza and pine and poppy and cronk and tidbit and connie and tuuli and shields and kaspa and pacheco and klauster and shaw and rai and kraut and yung and koala and sev and harreld and dieter and smith and cazernovia and richardson and ocasey and vond and sigrun and brooks and myr and weaver and hernandez and the other hernandez and the other smith and edwards and aph and norse and swift's m55 and maclagan and wright and bailey and takugawa and josephine and beune and bellic and delatorre and young and hills
  13. hm i didnt like it but u got support from the others so ill take a chance on u +support approved
  14. are u kidding of course he wont these always end after a couple posts
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