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Posts posted by Derpytoast

  1. STEAM NAME / ALIASES: Derpytoast

    STEAM ID: STEAM_1:0:77454920

    SERVER TIME: about  two years?


    MEDICAL ROLEPLAY EXPERIENCE: I had a medic back on altered (Halo rp) as well as Kittel being a medic for a few weeks. I was also a medic with this character for  few months 

    AVAILABILITY: I'm on every day around 4pm-4am GMT -7




    NAME: Charlotte A.F. Von Wittman

    AGE: 18

    RACE: Caucasian

    SEX: Female

    HEIGHT: 5'7"

    WEIGHT: 135 lbs


    LEVEL OF EDUCATION: High school Grad


    MEDICAL RECORD:  Temporally paralyzed by shinny dart, given the anti-toxin back on ship and recovered. She also received Facial burns due to a trip-wire incendiary grenade, she recovered with major burn scarring on the riht side of her face and the left was pattered with shrapnel   

    DATE OF ENLISTMENT: 2/20/2298



    STEAM NAME / ALIASES: Derpytoast

    STEAM ID: STEAM_1:0:77454920

    SERVER TIME: about  year?


    MEDICAL ROLEPLAY EXPERIENCE: had a medic back on altered (Halo rp) as well as Kittel being a medic for a few weeks

    AVAILABILITY: I'm on every day around 4pm-4am Est




    NAME: Charlotte A.F. Von Wittman

    AGE: 18

    RACE: Caucasian

    SEX: Female

    HEIGHT: 5'7"

    WEIGHT: 135 lbs


    LEVEL OF EDUCATION: High school Grad


    MEDICAL RECORD:  Temporally paralyzed by shinny dart, given the anti-toxin back on ship and recovered

    DATE OF ENLISTMENT: 2/20/2298

  3. C:
    Combat Engineer Detachment Application of Interest
    Name: Bridgit McElroy
    Age: 26
    Race: White
    Gender: Female
    Eye Color: Green
    Hair Color: Red
    Height: 5' 7"
    Weight: 129
    Employment & Background
    Current Rank: Recruit 
    Educational History: High school diploma 
    Criminal Record: N/A
    Employment History: Brewers assistant at a whiskey plant
    Service Record: N/A
    Character's College Explanation: N/A
    Server Time: Like 6ish months or so
    Roleplay History: About seven years total with multiple communities over the years. 
  4. Voice claim 



    Face claim 




    Basic Information:


    Name: Ottilie Murphy

    Age: 20


    Gender: Female


    Role(s): Engineer

    Kin: Ottila Kittel (Mother) Gerhard Kittel (Father) Hannah Kittel (Sister)

    Homeworld: Terra, Germany


    Hair color: Blonde

    Eye color: Blue

    Build: Mesomorph

    Rank: Master Specialist




    Strength: 9/20

    Dexterity: 15/20

    Constitution: 10/20

    Intelligence: 16/20

    Wisdom: 15/20

    Charisma: 7/20


       Combat Rating: 5/10


    Pain/Health: 3/10


    Wealth: Middle class


    Other :

    Affinity towards owls 

    Single-action revolver proficiency

    allergic to bees


    Character Description:

    |Blue eyes|  Short Blonde hair stopping at her chin| 20 Years of age| 5’ 3”| Strong german accent| dark  red translucent glasses [ON] |She has a scar running down her left eye and burn scar along her entire rigth arm |Walks with a soft limp on her left side and favors her right when standing| Wearing a necklace with an owl pendant attached to a gold chain, On the owls chest would be a heart with the letter K inside| Biotech left arm that starts three inches above her elbow





    Becoming a marauder

    Proposing to Olivia

    getting married  





    Dropping out of college

    Getting kicked out of Engineering

    Cheating on Olivia  


    Personal Relationships

    Relations: Loved|Admired|Like Family, Brethren|Good friends|Friends|Aquaintance|Neutral|Mixed|Dislikes|Hates|Fears


    --[[Federation Mobile Infantry]]--



    Travis Young - Only talked to him once...it was a good talk, he really help me get through the whole getting kicked out of engineering thing. All together he seems like a nice guy, I hope we get to talk more


    Jackie Knox- She's Kind of a cunt....but a somewhat tolerable cunt


    Aphelion Dominica - She confuses me...


    Valerie Faust - Have to say, one of my favorite Germans on the ship! 



    Sorrentino- Seems like an ok guy, he's got some good stories


    Bently- Man... I remember when you were a private




    --[[Federation Engineering Division]]--

    Sarah Redbrick - You've helped me some much since we met, I really can't thank you enough big sis! You made me feel like i wasn't alone anymore, you're the second  best person in my life. I promise I wont let you down as a marauder! Red, I-I can't do this without you...you're my big sister and you've done so much...I wouldn't be where I am if not for you. I-I going to miss you so much, I loved you like a sister for fuck sake.  I just wanted to protect you...I'm so sorry I failed you  You're alive! I thought I lost you but you're still alive! I'm so glad to have my big sister back...I'm just sorry I couldn't invite you to my wedding



    Troy Hughes - He's another CE... talk to him ever now and then, not a bad guy. He's almost a friend








    --[[Federation Hospital Corps]]--




    --[[Federation Marauders]]--





    Kristina Sigrun- She a pretty good Tech, although....a bit blunt at times. I guess that's needed sometimes though


    --[[Federation Fleet]]--


    Olivia Murphy- You the best thing that's ever happened to me and I love you with all my little heart. I know how much I fucked up and how I made you feel....I'm juts glad you took me back and I can't thank you enough for that, I promise I'll never hurt you again....ever, Especially now that you're my wife! 




    --[[Federation Provost Corps (Marines)]]--







    Salem- She thought you were her friend...but you took her from me...you got her killed...I'm just waiting for you to take me next, I didn't do anything...but you won't believe me




    --[[The Fallen, Forgotten, Transferred]]--




    Garret Swift - I don't really know him that well but he's cool


    Annebell Thacker - We used to talk a lot...well not so much anymore that is, don't really know what she's really up to that much either

    Sila Ren - She kinda remind me of me in a sorta way...She keeps telling people my secret though, I know she doesn't mean to but still. I think she might be mad at me about the court martial thing...but i froze up and didn't know what to say  I really miss you!


     Johnathan Price- I barely even see you around...


    Dutch Bower - Why the fuck would you ask me to help you propose...I'm the worst person you could ever ask to that...fuck you.


    Arryn Falco - You were suppose to teach me, and what did you do. Just gave lecture after lecture as if you were just reading a fucking text. Not to mention I figured out what you little plan with Bellic was for me... I'm not some little kid you two think I am, so Fuck off


    Jaune Meridian- You know what you did, fuck off and don't come near me anymore


    Chase McKnight - Seems like an ok guy I guess...barely know him and the way you treat Red, Well you can fuck off



    Michelle cooper -She's really nice, I really like talking to her!


    Sentoniel - We haven't really talked much sense whatever the fuck happen to you...I'd still call you my friend though


    May Fitzgerald  - I see her like my little sister...not my real one...that's diffident , she'd still my little sister non the less. She's a bit...well she kinda reminds of me...afraid, Lonely. I want to help her, but I don't really know how....or if she'll let me  Great...now you're dead, everyone I care about always dies...



    Saint-Claire- Some CE...don't know him, he's got that cunty vibe to him. I don't like him for some reason


    Ashley Rose - You were like my big sister...and I care for you so much, Fuck I even gave you an Owl plush...I don't do that unless you mean a lot to me. I just...wish you were back..I wish you never left me. Thank you for keeping you promise, I'll always love you like a sister...


    Mikalya Kowalski - She's my big sister! she's the second best person I've ever met too, she's always there when I need to talk to her as well! she can be a bit mean sometimes though...not that I don't deserve it, but still    I know why you don't talk to me anymore and I understand...I'll just leave you alone forever now  I had it all wrong, I'm sorry...you're still like a big sister to me and you're the first friend I ever made on this ship!



    Elizabeth Staines - I don't get this girl, she fucks me over to get me demoted. she hates gays then come to me saying she is gay and that she wants me to help her....I'm not qualified to do that, I'm not a shrink....Like I want help, Well sorta....she got me demoted and that still pisses me off. But she a somewhat nice girl....broken as fuck but ya know, well kinda crazy...she goes to extremes for attention. I can never just sit her down and talk to her, Heard she tried to end it...so maybe I wont have to help her after all... 


    Daisy Bailey- We've spoken like once and I can't thank her enough for that. Especially for saying yes,  I promise I won't let you down Ma'am! I just hope I can keep that promise...I don't want to be a failure anymore.   You were going to make me do it...you we're going to make me shoot me best friend, M-My big sister, and why...to test my loyalty. Th-that's just not right...you said you would kill me if I didn't do it....well I would be dead if Larsen didn't let me leave...I would have dropped the gun and cried


    Glenn Reynolds- Some MI went fleety cause she lost a leg...thought I think she's getting/ or has gotten a BT, thought I saw her in MI gear last week so she might be back...do feel bad about her with that french girl...but hey....what can you do


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