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Cam Hurst


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General Information
Name: Camilla Sawyer Hurst
Aliases/Nicknames: Cam
Callsign: Epione
Sex: Female
Age: 26
Weight: 140
Height: 5'9"
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Violet
From:  Houston, Texas, Terra
Marital Status: Single
Personality:  Depends on the day.
Quirks: None.
Father: Roger Hurst - 59 [Deceased]
Mother: Rose Hurst - 56 [Deceased]
Brother: Benedict Hurst - 22 [Deceased]
Brother: Shawn Hurst - 19 [Deceased]
Professional Information
Faction: Mobile Infantry
Platoon: Depends on the day
Rank: Sergeant
Role: Office of Special Warfare
Prior Occupation: [Redacted]
Known Languages: Federation Standard, French, Russian, Italian, Portuguese.
Biotech left leg.
Scarring from numerous knives across her torso and back.
Large scar on left side of her torso, spanning from ribs to hip. 
Medals and Awards:
Education & Training


Loved/Crush/ Trusted / Respected / Amiable / Acquainted / Neutral / Unsure / Disliked / Hate
--[[Federation Mobile Infantry]]--
Sebastian Bently To be frankly honest, he seems like an okay guy, but I'm pretty sure he gets in the way of himself a lot. He seems like he doesn't understand how the Infantry should work. Perhaps he'll get it, eventually. I know it took me a little while.

--[[Federation Engineering Division]]--
Ashley Rose She's a bit of a cunt. Has a terrible tendency to look down her nose at people. At least I can sit happy with the information I waterboarded her sister.
Franco Sorrentino Kinda cute, really funny. I'm a bit sad he's left the Office of Special Warfare, but I'm sure he has his reasons. He's a solid leader. The infantry need more like him.
Vinera Rose I may or may not have had a hand in something to do with her and a bucket of water. I've had no contact with her otherwise.



--[[Federation Hospital Corps]]--


--[[Federation Marauders]]--



--[[Federation Fleet]]--


--[[Federation Provost Corps (Marines)]]--

Blaire Montgomery He seems like a solid dude, had a bit of conversation in the bar the other night. He likes croquet, thinks it picks up the ladies. I didn't have the heart to tell him he's not accurate.

Elliot Salem I'm not entirely sure how this happened. He's definitely old enough to be my father, but he is my match in so many ways. I've not been this happy in a long time.
Yael Avraham She's the new Staff Sergeant. Rather good at it too. I got to dig a bullet out of her shoulder. She's solid and I can trust her.
Travis Young Seems rather deep and brooding at times, boisterous at others. Solid Engineer though. Elliot trusts him. He can't be all that bad.
Amber Kirchauff She's okay. I think. I've not seen her around much, but then again I've not really left the office a whole lot either.


--[[The Fallen, Forgotten, Transferred]]--

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