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Wyatt Hal


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Basic Information:

Name:  Wyatt Hal
Age: 19
D.O.B: February 22nd, 2280
Gender: Male 
Affiliation: Federation Loyalist
Role(s): Mobile Infantry
Kin: Mother and Father, still at Castus
Homeworld: Castus
Alignment: Neutral
Hair color: Dark (Dirty) Blonde
Eye color: Green
Build: Fit, but in the lean sort of way.
Rank: Recruit

Backstory: For the most part, his life had been falling into the same monotany that everyone did at the Castus refining facilities at an early age, stuck in a rut until news of the Progenitors (Maybe not by name; not sure what they'd of been called) hit the FedNet. That's when he signed up to do his part; and to get away from home for once.

Attributes: Brute Strength combat, though not too smart.

Strength: 15/20
Dexterity: 13/20
Constitution: 14/20
Intelligence: 9/20
Wisdom: 10/20
Charisma: 8/20

Misc. Attributes:

Combat Rating: 7/10

Pain/Health: 8/10

Wealth: Average at best.

Other Information: Can be sarcastic and dark, a byproduct of his growing up as well as training in the Mobile Infantry.

Character Description: Not very smart but with a hell of a punch for a person his age and some ability to handle stress and other similar afflictions, he doesn't come off as the social type immediately, though if you get him talking you may (or may not) find him easily able to communicate.

Minor scaring from labor on his hands and arms, but not much else.




Personal Relationships
Relations: Loved|Admired|Like Family, Brethren|Good friends|Friends|Aquaintance|Neutral|Mixed|Dislikes|Hates|Fears

--[[Federation Mobile Infantry]]--

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