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Rachel Valenwood (WIP, just made it quickly, working on it)

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Rachel Valenwood back when she was at boot, age 18.

Name: Rachel Valenwood
Age: 19
D.O.B: 2/6/2278

Gender: Female
Role(s): Mobile Infantry NCO
Kin: Not Known
Home world: Terra 
Alignment: Neutral
Hair colour: Dark Brown
Eye colour: Red
Build: Mesomorph
Rank: Corporal

Rachel has never seen her parents, being put up for adoption straight after birth. Rachel had experience quite a few years of abuse and violence towards her in her new home, being thrown out at the age of 4, leaving her to fend for herself on the streets in her home town. After a good long while on the streets, she had met who would now be her father figure, Rock Sanders. Rock had allowed Rachel to stay in his house in the attic, helping her out and learning her values and such. As the years progressed, he taught her how to defend herself, even free running.


Not so long after, as Sanders reached the age of 18, he was sent off to boot camp. Rachel fearing for the worst, continued to do what he had taught her and did well in everything she could. She spent the rest of the three years in a constant state of practice and refinement of her skills, looking to be like Sanders, aspiring to be within the MI. She enlisted into the ranks of the MI at the age of 18, hoping to reunite with her only true friend, once again.


Strength: 16/20
Dexterity: 17/20
Constitution: 15/20
Intelligence: 15/20
Wisdom: 14/20
Charisma: 11/20

Misc. Attributes:

Combat Rating: 9/10

Pain/Health: 8/10

Wealth: Poor

Other Information:

Character Description:
Rachel tends to be talkative depending on the situation at hand, being serious when the moment arises or if need be. She doesn't get along with people who have large egos or think they are better than even a single trooper. Rachel, when needs be, can become quite emotionless to those around her. 

Achieving NCO 



       Personal Relationships
                  Relations: Loved|Admired|Like Family, Brethren|Good friends|Friends|Aquaintance|Neutral|Mixed|Dislikes|Hates|Fears|Dead|


Rock Sanders - I.. Why..... You were the only person that I could talk to without judgement, the only one who could understand me.. Why did you have to go... Why... I'll kill them all, those fucking bugs i'll kill them all damn it!

Sebastian Bently - I like Sergeant Bently, he is a calm and collected. Clearly competent enough to handle what he has to carry on his shoulders. I don't know him all too well be he seems like a swell guy in all honesty, love to learn a thing or two from him from time to time. He's also the one who gave me the chance at NCO, I made corporal, I hope I did him proud.


William Beans - He is a chill Specialist I have to say, he also knows when it's time to act serious and when it's appropriate to mess around. I like that. He talks quite a bit, clearly open to any and all convosation. He is also very caring and sweet. I'd like for him to stick around. See where he goes. 


Valerie Faust - She is a very nice girl, heard she was once an NCO once. Wonder why she fell down the ranks. She seems too sweet to even do harm at times, maybe that's why he liked her company. She is a close friend to me, I can't lose her, not like I lost another. I couldn't handle it.


Eric Shepard - Only seem him for a short time, seems to be like Beans and to be honest, overall a great guy. Can't wait to see him on the field.


Victoria Galloway - You are a close and dear friend, like family now since what we had. You are a great person Galloway, just don't lose yourself. And for the love of all god, stay out of trouble, please. You are another that I cannot lose to this wrecked universe.


Anderson Kayne - He is a Staff Sergeant now, holy shit. I never thought i'd see the day. Well done my good man, not only do I have respect for you, you seem like a great guy overall. Nice to have a good chat with, also good with a squad. I'm sure you will go far Staff, good luck to you.







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