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Romolo Vitale


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VIEWING FILE [data.004-F808-N65]


General Information




First Name: Romano

Middle Name: Giovanni 

Last Name: Vitale

Age (yo): 26

Date of Birth: September, 15 2271

Nationality: ItalianP

lace of Birth: Terra

Rank: Lieutenant

Status: Alive


Physical Information


Height: 6'1

Weight: 195lbs

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Ethnicity: Caucasian 

Blood Type: O-

General Physical Description: N/A

Medical History: N/A

Mental InformationIQ:115

Preferred Learning Method: Book, links, notes etc...

Academic Interests: Criminology, ideology

 Artistic Interests:N/A

Athletic Interests:Cardio/running

Armed Services CareerBranches Served In: Mobile Infantry, Internal Security

Previous Units: N/A

Demotions: N/A

Promotions: Recruit-Third Specialist Third Specialist-Second Specialist Second Specialist-Senior Specialist Senior Specialist-Master Specialist Master Specialist-Lieutenant Criminal Record:N/A

Age of Enlistment:24

Total Deployments: 9

Wounds Received in Duty: 1

Awards Received:N/A


Relationships: Respected/Trusted/Friends/Warming up/Neutral/Hated/Kill Yourself


 (I will add who I feel tell me who and I may add you)


Alfred Smith - Kind of a smart ass but he is efficient, he likes to run his mouth at times or do something he shouldn't be he is alright I guess.


Erarath Cazernovia - She is alright I guess... she made a stupid mistake and got lashed for it but she seems like she didn't do it, but then again you can't trust anybody these days.


Richard Graves - Seems like a fine guy, he doesn't really feel up to getting promoted or is hesitant at the least but he isn't that bad.


Abigail Vitsion - She is is a strange character, most likely someone who I don't think I can trust, but I also don't trust anybody on this ship. With her it is different though, she was doing scrimshaw on a hand in engineering and that is not really normal behavior, especially for a Master Specialist... the Staff Sergeant excluded


Bohannons- they are all pretty fucking annoying and unreliable but in the end I could care less what happens but would try not to let them die aswell... even if they are all dying off.


Daisy Bailey- very unethical division leader, especially when she has relationships with her subordinates. She may think it is not my business but misconduct is, she tries to get under my skin but if just anybody could I wouldn't be where I am. We will see what happens with her.


Neomi Vond- A loyal and trust worthy Sergeant of the Federation, she knows where her loyalties are and who she should trust. She has be operate as a second in command at times and she is kind to pretty much everybody... maybe a bit too kind


Sara Zaiger- Very stern Major who is apart of the Intelligence Division, has been there for a lot of my training and I have been given assignments from her in the past.

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