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Ji Park


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Ji Park

CPo., Flight Crew, AFC BC-291 ULYSSES S. GRANT



General Information:

Height: 5'4''

Weight: 105lb

Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Brown

Skin colour: White

Physique: Average


R -- --

Saint Claire -- I like him, he is good! He seems to be very friendly and I think we are friends.

Jap -- I do not know if there are any Japanese on the Grant or in the 112th, but I know it is a very interesting culture due to many years isolation on island. I would like to meet Japanese person.

Devin -- I have no met him, but he looks like a nice person and I want to meet him.

Doss -- Well, I am still unsure about how I feel with death. It is strange, I saw his corpse, but at point I was thinking of sending out distress signal. He say something about OCS to me, and  those are bad thoughts to have when someone die, me thinking about it. I hope there is a new one too, because we went a year without having one. It is sad I didn't know who he was.

Wolff -- He is the Lieutenant of Arclight squadron. I think he seems very good, but it is a shame he never fly and has to do so many paper work. I hope some day he train me on how to be a better pilot, but he seem too busy. I like talk with him though, he is nice.


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