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The state of MIPOD until Orwell's return.

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After the meeting held today (12th August), the following has been discussed and decided upon as the best course of action until Orwell returns from LOA and these issues can be dealt with in a more direct manner.


I'm going to say this here and at the end, this is TEMPORARY until Orwell returns due to the current issue of previous iterations of MIPOD and its self-conflicting history.


1) All newer Psychics are not to go above Tier 0 in any of the currently listed abilities. This is due to two reasons, the foremost being in an effort to reduce the chances that Psychic A does something that later they could not when the powers are revamped and finalized. The second reason is because no Psychics which have become Psychic in the last OOC week would even be competent a Tier 0 abilities, let alone anything higher. There is one caveat to this, which is that any psychic proficient at Arachnid Scan Tier 0 can ALSO detect Control Bugs due to lack of alternate detection methods.


2) All pre-existing psychics from before Orwell's take-over of MIPOD are to blend in to the background and use their powers when asked. This is due to there being a variety of psychics from all sorts of iterations. Some of these iterations gave Psychics different lore than others, as well as different power-sets that enabled things that may not be possible currently. If you are in doubt of whether you as a pre-existing psychic can do something, cross-check with myself and the powers list. If what you're trying is more between Tier 1 and Tier 2, then it's most likely a no on if you can do it.


3) The current Go-To on Psychic stuff is broken down as follows;


If you have questions regarding how your character would act in general or with certain skill-sets if focused on an overall "type", such as "How is my day-to-day life affected as a memory man?", "What do I need to be aware of as a lucky man when interacting with people?" and "How should I RP this power in general?" you should get in contact with @Tony


If your questions are on how your character can be trained or found in the first place or is along the lines of inter-divisional relations e.g What should medical be aware of when treating a psychic, contact @Kris


For all questions regarding Psychic lore and powers such as How are psychics generally different from anyone else, what does this ability do or can I do X thing you should contact myself.


If you're not sure who your question should be asked to, ask any of us three and we'll help you if possible or direct you to who can.



All of the above is TEMPORARY until Orwell returns, and has been posted to help REDUCE the work needed and confusion made when everything MIGHT change upon his return.


@Coleision@MasterMedicMan@Lalatina@Jun Nagase@Tridon@cat danny 25

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  • Executive Administrator

Everything that Grimm's mentioned I'm in agreement with. I thank you guys for holding down the fort while I was away. As the new batch of psychics gradually progress in skill they'll ofc be able to unlock more  s k i l l s . 


thank you again for your patience, everyone- i'm planning on organizing an IC meeting sometime later this week; details to follow soon

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