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Expectations of Medical Staff


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       As of late thanks to Reverend we have a much more efficient way of recording how medical staff participate on the server and a new way of breaking down the rank distribution in addition to a whole other slew of things. In this post I'll go over what is expected of different ranks, training, and how Reverend's Google Quiz will mesh together.
112th Combat Medics
General Expectation of Medical Staff
As a combat medic you are expected to not only to manage the wounded on and off the battlefield, but to also be a model soldier for your fellow MI. In general as medical staff you are expected to set a standard for other Troopers to follow. While this does not mean that you need to be an emotionless robot without any personality, it does mean that you need to actively use your brain and actively apply your own wisdom and experience on and off the battlefield. Whenever we deploy to the battlefield your fellow Troopers and even your leaders should have absolute confidence in you when you say "Hey, I think that there's going to be a bunch of mines in this area, we should avoid it." or "We should watch out for snipers here, we should start bounding in cover."  We can achieve this means by applying preventative knowledge, training, and expecting more from ourselves as combat medics in order to hopefully reduce the number of casualties and injuries taken by fellow Troopers.
Specific Rank Expectations
While rank expectations are set in place as milestones for combat medics how a combat medic gets to the end goal is dependent upon them and their trainer.
The ability to show an understanding and memorization of ABCDEs and related procedures. 
The ability to show an understanding of the MOIs and treatment of lacerations, gunshot wounds, fractures, burns of any degree
The ability to show an understanding and treatment of thoracic injuries
The ability to show an understand of how to manage amputations
The ability to show an excellent understanding of the article six policy
The ability to show leadership ability within the medical division and dedication to the medical field
Meet all previous rank expectations
The ability to obtain a specialization in either Surgery, Biotechs, Psychology, or Pathology
The responsibility and ability to assist in individual training of all previous ranks
Meet all previous rank expectations
The ability to show exceptional leadership and dedication to the medical field via personal project*
The responsibility and ability to lead group training sessions when necessary
Meet all previous rank expectations
**Subject to change
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