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[FEDNET] Tango Urilla calls for support


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The Screen shows the Federal Flag and plays the FEDNET Jingle


The Federal Announcer begins to speak


"Tango Urilla -- A Desert fringe planet in the Altair System. Sixty years ago it was the site of an Arachnid ambush on Mobile Infantry forces. Today its a thriving Colony of One Hundred Fifteen Thousand Citizens and Civilians. Though Tango Urilla is so far out from our Home system it has strived to become a strong Federation Colony. Recently having given fourty thousand of its Citizens in recent efforts to help Hesperus retake its land from the Progenitor menace. Tango Urilla still struggles against an Arachnid presence, and has finally had its plea heard by the Federal Council."


The Camera switches to the Council Chambers where a man with salt and pepper hair Govenor Johnathan Grachlin speaks to the Council.


"Fellow Federation representatives, Today I come to you with a plea.. One of long term strife, and determined survival. We have struggled for six decades to combat the Arachnid Menace that plagues our planet. We now wish to push past this meaningless conflict, and ask the Federal Council to supply us with the means to free ourselves from this oppression. Lend us the Military Resources we need to cleanse ourselves of the Bugs, and build something that can better benefit the Federation."


The Camera pans across the faces of thousands of Council Members who deliberate between themselves. Grachlin sits down and another man stands up at the head table of the Council. The Skymarshal who sits next to him is in attendance.


"To the Federal Council member from Tango Urilla, Altair System. We appreciate your contribution to the Federation, and we wish to impart upon you our condol--"


The Speaker is interrupted by Skymarshal Cortez whom stands up, and the man sits down.


"To the honorable representative of Tango Urilla in the Altair System. I again thank you for coming here and speaking to us about you plea. In these times of strife we need to work together to become a stronger Federation and to rebuild what was destroyed during the Progenitor attacks, and the subsequent Civil War. To do this I recommend that a Federal Fleet be sent to Tango Urilla to combat the Arachnids threat. However I believe that we cannot give something for nothing; I would like to add that if we send this fleet to Tango Urilla that they would be willing to construct a Shipyard to help rebuild our fleet."


Much of the room applauds the popular Skymarshal and after it ends Govenor Johnathan Grachlin stands.


"To the Skymarshal Tango Urilla of the Altair system sends this reply. If the vote to send the Fleet is in favor Tango Urilla will build a Federation Shipyard and work to rebuild a new Federal Fleet."


The Room again erupts into racous applaus. The Camera rolls back to the Federal Flag for a time before returning to the Council Chambers. Govenor Johnathan Grachlin and Skymarshal Cortez shake hands as applaus echoes through the room. The Federation announcer speaks.


"Here at the Federal Council the elected members have voted in favor to send a fleet to assist Tango Urilla. The vote came to a 78% in favor, and 22% against. This is the first step to creating a stronger Federation."




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