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UCF-BC-403 Charles De Gaulle Investigation


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6/10/98 - 112th Moritas, Alpha Company, were sent to the wreck of the UCF-BC-403 Charles De Gaulle, shot down over the Atacama Desert by the Ark during the Fall of Earth.


Tasked with recovering the ship's life support systems, weapons systems, reactor, and black box, the MI made contact with the wreck to find that they had been beaten to the punch by a group of scavengers. They were:


  • Comprised mostly of individuals of Terran origin, mostly Chileans who resided in the safe area around the ruins of Santiago, with a number originating from the colonies.
  • Experienced, in some capacity, with the operation of weapons such as an M-55, and appeared to be in the middle of loading parts stripped from the wreck onto their own craft when  Alpha Company interrupted them.
  • Many fled the scene, but three of them were captured by Alpha Company. TAC recon failed to locate where the small personal craft had fled off, and had some experience with evading detection.
  • The cargo of the remaining personal craft held many of the stripped weapons, life support systems, and black box. Several assets of weaponry from the Charles De Gaulle's armory were missing. Large amounts of ammunition corresponding to the Charles De Gaulle's helicals and MAC's were missing.


The three individuals captured were identified as


  • Miguel Alvaro (Santiago, Chile)


  • Andre Chikatilo (Hesperus) [DECEASED]


  • Liam Forge (Chicago, Illinois?)


Liam Forge proved to be the least helpful to the investigation, and at multiple times presented an unchanging story that paints him as a small time criminal approached with the opportunity to gain a lucrative amount of money for what seemed like a small risk. Forge had the least to contribute, and was subsequently shuttled off to a penal facility to pay for his crimes once it was determined that he held no pertinent information to the investigation.


Miguel Alvaro seemed to be of similar background to Liam Forge, seeking to pounce on a lucrative opportunity to make an exorbitant amount of money. Miguel states that he was approached by Andre Chikatilo in Santiago, and later at a bar known as 'Club Loco' on Hesperus, in New Memphis- Chikatilo's hometown. Chikatilo proposed the job to Alvaro, and he accepted, assembling a crew to take part in the stripping of the wreck of the Charles De Gaulle. As far as Alvaro knew, the primary benefactor for the operation remained unknown to him, and to the people he worked with, including Andre Chikatilo.


Andre Chikatilo was the most valuable prisoner. He made direct contact with several representatives of the unknown benefactor, each at different locations, every meeting consisting of meeting a separate representative of the same benefactor. Chikatilo was the most experienced of the three in terms of crime, and expressed a degree of skepticism and curiosity towards the identity of the benefactor, and tried to ascertain the identity of said benefactor through their many representatives, most importantly an individual reffered to by the initials 'A.M.' Upon questioning, Chikatilo stated that neither 'A.M.' nor any of the other representatives were able to provide a clear answer as to who the benefactor was. Each of the representatives, most notably 'A.M.' were contacted by their own set of representatives, with the entire operation of stripping the Charles De Gaulle being obfuscated, and deliberately obscured. According to Chikatilo, every level of the operation was shrouded in mystery, with leaders of the stripping operation being directed entirely through fronts, which were in turn directed through fronts of their own.


A note left at the scene contained instructions left to a man referred to as 'Santos Rivera' by Liam Forge. The note contained instructions on meeting another representative at a shopping center on Hesperus. Upon discovering the note, the location in question was staked out, and ultimately yielded nothing. It is suspected that either the remaining ships that fled with some of the missing assets from the Charles De Gaulle either contacted the unknown representative and rearranged the meeting place, or the deal fell through altogether.


After further psychic probing, no further revelations were made. To ascertain the identity of who would've wanted the stripped assets of the Charles De Gaulle is ultimately speculation at this point. One thing is clear,  whoever it was that wanted the bounty of the battle cruiser went to great lengths to obscure their identity by operating through a myriad of different fronts and identities.



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