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Or, namely, there doesn't seem to be anything of it.


I like to think I am a fairly competent and active medic but three weeks in and I'm still at Third Spec. This concerns me - because by the very nature of my role as owner of the server I tend to stand out more and find it easier to progress in general (sometimes even at an inappropriately fast rate) - and I'd hate to know how some of my less prominent colleagues within the Medical Division feel.


I also often see command figures (SSpc and MSpc) but they do not seem to have any sort of command, any sort of responsibility or any sort of authority.


I have been more acknowledged by the MI command structure (through medals) - a faction more than ten times larger than medical - than I have by the medical command structure.


What's going on here?

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I mean, medical has a few solid players being myself, whoever plays Callahan and @hewhogrillsbears. I just came back about two weeks ago and got promoted and got a medical medal so there is recognition. The only thing that lacks is a command structure between you(bring a 3Spc) and Hew. I haven't seen any SSpc. Or MSpc. On a frequent or regular basis since I've been on almost every day for two weeks and when I do they aren't on their character long or follow through with an entire drop.


Roster wise I see a lot of people on it I've never even seen on their character before and the LOA list is massive. The main issue being that people think medical is either too extensive/they don't want to learn anything or they find it bo ring because of no rocket launchers and tanks like engineering. Defibs like in battlefield 4 would be cool but kinda dumb because you get shot 50 times and now you need a defib? Dumb. So it's hard to find a good way to entice people like they do with weapons specializations.


Another thing I think hurt it was removing NCO ranks, taking away the chance to do medical but also be an NCO. instead you have to just be a medic and maybe get the chance to patch someone up. Maybe a new type of medic instead of just a standard medic maybe? Not sure. I'd love to see some more stuff from FFRL too.


I don't see a progression problem on myside, mostly because I've been active and helpful but I'm more than willing to help out but still have stuff I need to work on since my last medic like surgery ship-side. You've been a solid medic, maybe you and the senior+ medics just aren't on at the same time for them to train and promote you @Xalphox?

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