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Why I left the server for about 5 Months

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Hi to all the people of SStrp, If you don't remember me from about 5 months ago, that's fine but if you didn't know I sorta just dropped off the face of the server(Wouldn't be the first time) and did not get back save for one instance in between where I left up till now. I feel that you all should have a reason why as my last character Ito was thrown in the brig for mal practice. Kinda of unfair to the person playing that character and if you read this I'm sorry. But back onto the topic, why I left, to put it bluntly I was burned out. People who know the character's I've played with know I try to make each one unique in there own way. From differing backgrounds, or generally how they act or where they come from. But at the time of me making Ito and Simo, I was starting to get bored of the same old, go shoot boog and come back. Shoot progenitor and come back, Shoot sepi and come back. All of this plus a general feeling of sadness (Gotta love puberty) made me leave. What kept me away was life and how that it was all crashing down on me, Collage is looming and the pressure of getting the grades necessary to get into a college, this took up about 60% of my time, 30% was me working at my job. 5% was band related geeky shit, and the other 5 was spent working on said classes homework. But now since my grades are where they should be and life seems to be calming down some. I can come back and make some new and unique characters for you all to enjoy.


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