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Fednet: Why are Arachnids still a problem if we’re at 'peace'?


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Arachnid Empire

Why are they still a problem if we’re at 'peace'?




As many within the federation know the arachnid threat, for the most part, has lessened post the invasion of earth. We’re now going on to almost a year of fragile ‘peace’ between our races. But why are we still fighting arachnids if we’re in a truce?

Arachnid Hierarchy

The Arachnid hierarchy is a strange one and an explanation on bug biology and expansion is needed. When a new Arachnid colony starts they are without any leadership, disconnected from their hive mind. They act as feral insects eating and burrowing for shelter, turning their minds to the sole thought of Incubation and protection.

This is done with the intention of eventually creating a cast of bug known as a Brain Bug. Once a brain bug is made the hive will effectively connect to the larger hivemind of the Arachnid empire. This is why in the past when destroying a bug presence on a planet our first target is the Brain Bugs for they are the ones that allow the Arachnids to act intelligently and fight with tactics.

But what about Scarvis’ recent assault on a Brain Bug, that one was hostile wasn’t it?

Indeed it was, this is not believed to be because it was connected to the hivemind however. Like us, Arachnids do have a sense of self preservation and after the brains creation it knew it was under threat and acted upon it. To our knowledge the Brain was not aided nor told to cease fire by the Arachnid Empires larger Psychic network.



Would you like to know more?

Arachnids are one of Humanity's greatest threats standing only just behind the Progenitor menace, if you’d like to know more please click here.



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