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Sierra Blackburn - Ace Fleetie


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(Image recovered off FEDNET - Pre-Enlistment Dossier Image)





Gender: Female 
Age: 21 (May 7th - 2277)
Weight: 121 Lb.
Height: 5'8"
Build: Ectomorphic - Athletic Tone

Blood Type: A-
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Natural Blonde (Recently Dyed Brown, Reverted)

Max Bench: 105 Lb.
1 Mile Run Time:  8 Minutes, 21 Seconds
Overall Physical Prowess: Moderate


IQ: 112
Average GPA: 3.8


Sexuality: [Redacted - Requested]
Political Stance: Disinterested
Relationship Status: Officially Attached.

Overall Mental State / Prowess: Sane - High

Affiliation: Federal Fleet
Occupation: Bridge Crew
Current Rank: Petty Officer First Class
Current Post: Helms
Known Stations: Helms, Warfare

Highest Education: Federation Academy - Fleet
Current Education: General Fleet Training - Weapons



Loved | Interested | Admired | Close Friends  |  FriendlyUnsureDisliked | Deceased / Gone


  Tatsuo "Ling Wong" Okazaki

"I will not be cleaning that jacket any time soon, Sergeant."
"You cooked Ferg' in the face I think? I don't remember much about that night."

"Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you."


"I guess it all worked out in the end~"
"Don't make what I did, for nothing."


"Jeez. . .I might be falling for you."
"Just don't die, please. . "


Lisa 'Cobra' White
"We didn't really get a chance to talk, considering I. . ."
"Let's just say I was intoxicated. . ."
"Hope to get to know you soon!


"After talking with you, I know you're likely my best friend here."
"Thanks, so much. You're the best."


Alvaro Lupinacci
"Charming, we had a pretty good chat."
"I've only met you once however, but I could see us being good friends in the future."
"P.S I actually hated that coffee stuff!"


Hecle Phan
"Troublemaker, is what I think you are. Not in a bad way."
"You've been well enough to me."

"I owe you some coffee, and a stuffed tiger. . oops."



"Best fucking DJ around."
"Don't know you much beyond that, but we get along."


Tzipora Bronson

"Thanks for the drink!"
"I guess you win. . ./this time/"

"You and Tanner are cute, hope it works out for you two!"


Shane Emmett

"You made a mess with a bunch of straws. . .that I cleaned."
"You're pretty good at doing magic tricks!"


Ciara Vetrossiysk

"We have met once, but you seem okay!"
"I'll be sure to make you proud."


"Well, I'm not sure if you saw me unfit or something. . "
"Regardless, I look forwards to our service together"


Grace Corbin
"Keep 'em safe, please"
"We haven't really ever interacted, as far as I can recall."


 Aranea Saint-Laurent 
"I'd think we are friendly! I hope that I don't let you down"
"Although, what kind of degenerate likes cherry over mint?"
"Next RnR should be. . .interesting!


"Sorry, I had to save myself. Good luck, Commander."


(Ask to be added or updated!)


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April 9th - 2299
I'm enjoying my time here so far. . .I've been putting off writing anything in here for a while.
It's good practice to collect your thoughts, it helps you process through everything.

After looking back on this past week, I realised I'm kind of a bitch. . .But I acknowledge that, and plan on doing better for myself.

I was hooked on pills there for a minute, but I've found a reason to pull myself out of a slope. He's kind, and I really hope we stay together for a while at the least.

I don't even know how to process what happened to Laurent , but I guess that's what happens when you're too carefree, considering her rank at the very least. A mental note to myself, is never get out of hand. I'm also filled with shame, I did something really shitty. Do I regret it? Not at all, but now I've got to live with it. It worked out in the end, but the path I took was one I would honestly give someone shit for. I'm a hypocrite in that sense. At least I've got someone to vent to.


Time to focus on my career. Next step, Chief Petty Officer.


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