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[Colonial News] The Brio System: A Decade on.

Admyral Joe

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A snapshot into the life prior to the Siege and destruction. A haven on the same scale as Zegama Beach. 


The Brio System. The Site of Operation Blue Eagle, once holding the largest population outside of the Sol system, after the disastrous Siege of Brisch, the major planet, the system is barely within the top ten. 


The Siege of Brish of 2285 was the result of a large Skinnie armada, and resulted in the loss of the the two main colonies of the twelve planet strong system: Brisch & Eleuse. Arachnids surged out of the latter's swamps, and the overall combined ambush resulted in the loss of over 1 billion souls and the proverbial flattening of the two Colonies. The failure of the 44th Flankers would forever change their name to the 44th Fallen until their disbandment, and a stain on the 6th Fleet's otherwise exemplary record. 


It has now been almost 15 years since this horrific event and the recapture of the worlds. But even now, the two planets are far from hospitable, Brisch especially so. Each district of the world hosts an unknown amount of Arachnids, and even with a dedicated Infantry presence and a reconstruction effort, many analysts believe the World to be truly lost, with no chance of regaining what it once was and represented. Eleuse however has no such efforts to the same scale, with the world, while having a military and civilian presence, is all but considered an Arachnid world with the swamps making large scale assaults unmanageable with the current manpower. 



The planet has reclaimed many of the cities on the planet, left to do so by the Arachnids which skulk within the cities, hungering for more to slaughter. 


There have been promising reports coming from Brisch however. While Sol was devastated by the Progenitors and troops were withdrawn, the Arachnids assaulted in force, barely being repelled by what Infantry remained. However, as of recent while there are still the cases of Warriors and Tankers being spotted during the sweeps and expansions, they have been in lower amounts and have not directly assaulted the Infantry. This unconventional move has left officers in the charge of the recapture of the planet confused, though as of reporting, it is believed the entire planet could be recaptured by the end of the year, a success story for the Federation in the times after the Civil War. 


Time will tell on if analysts are wrong and the Brio system can regain its place, or if Brio is consigned to forever be a note in the history books. 



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