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Linh Cinder-Federal Fugitive (Again)

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“I'm sure I'll feel much more grateful when I find a guy who thinks complex wiring in a girl is a turn-on.” 




Image result for gaz btr 60 brigada

TSgt. Cinder Linh during Operation Oculian crisis (Driver) in Port Smith

Linh Cinder in her most recent stint as a wanted Federal fugitive









Name: Linh Cinder (Family-Personal)

Alias(es): N/A

Rank: TSgt.

Age: 21

Hometown: Beijing, China

Affiliation: Bently’s Bandits Pirate crew

Specialization: Engineering and mechanics

Psychic Affinity: N/A

Awards Granted: Purple heart, Veteran Combat medal, Citizenship







Father: Linh Garan (Adoptive father) DECEASED

Mother: Linh Adri (Adoptive mother) ALIVE

Siblings: Linh Pearl (Adoptive sister) ALIVE

Linh Peony (Adoptive sister) DECEASED

Spouse:  N/A






Gender: Female

Height: 5’11”

Weight: 135 Lbs.

Build: Ectomorph

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Brown

Cybernetics: Left arm (Upto wrist) Left leg (Upto thigh) Both eyes (Including optic nerve)


Related imageImage result for cybernetic left leg drawingRelated image






Alignment: Neutral Good

Personality Type: INTJ

Strengths: Quick learner, fast acting, caring

Weaknesses: Reactionary, introverted, doubtful



 [You Know The Drill]



--[[Federation Mobile Infantry]]--


Rodrick Oakwood


Not quite sure what my opinion is, but I know its good.


Tatsuo Okazaki



I don't know. He's really cute and just a really good guy. He's only been in the MI, or sorry was in the MI for a few months, but hes already made good impressions with in regards to being a sergeant. The ship we're on, I love it a lot, but its so small. We have no privacy. I can't have a conversation with him without people yelling at me to kiss him.

To say he's the best thing for me right now is an understatement. He keeps me sane when I start putting dents in the hull.

Its also a thrill to be with him. Everytime we kiss I begin to overheat, my coolant working hard to keep my CPU from shutting down. I don't want to faint while kissing him, that would be veerrry embarrassing. 


--[[Federation Engineering Division]]--


Amanda Winters


Amanda... after a year of no contact I get a notice about a position in the renowned 112th, with your name signing the form. Of course I took it, there

was no way in hell I wouldn't. After seeing who was leaving you, and her credentials as an engineer, there had to be someone who could fill that

position correctly. I still see us as friends, I really do, but we haven't seen one another in years. Your different after Carlos died, and I can see the weight of

his death on your shoulders. I'm so sorry for all thats happened, but that won't stop me from doing my job.

You can count on that. 


Hecle Phan


Young engineer, very young soldier. I don't know how he'll do.


Well, he's not dead after all of this. Thats good.


Maxine Valentine


From what I know shes pretty known around the ship and shes good at what she does. Suffice to say me and her can do some damage now that

laws don't hold us back


James Reacher


A man with natural talent and knows it. He keeps serious and has show good competency with engineering.




Biggest guy I've ever seen. He's not very smart but he is also very polite. Hes a kind giant who knows that he doesn't have the smarts to smash properly, so he understands and follows rank structures! I have to say I trust him more than I do Kid, because at least he can follow orders. Good guy, also an engineer


Atichat Saiphan


He's an engineer, does his job.



--[[Federation Hospital Corps]]--


Seamus Leeds


Big medic.

--[[Federation Marauders]]--


--[[Federation Fleet]]--

Rangi Setu


He's fleet. He took up arms and armor on Dantana and fought with us. Cool dude I guess.

--[[Federation Provost Corps (Marines)]]--



--[[The Fallen, Forgotten, Transferred]]--


Stolen from @Pundii & @Litcoins

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