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Restored FFHQ Set to Launch Before Turn of Century


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What remained of the Federal Fleet Headquarters shortly after the final days of the Civil War.


MADURA POINT, SANCTUARY ‒ The Federal Fleet Headquarters were the nexus of the Federation's naval capacity, and served as the military and intelligence hub of the system-spanning arms of the Federation. Hanging suspended in orbit over the terrestrial jewel of Sanctuary, the duo were regarded as vital keys for the survival of the human race. Up until the Civil War, Sanctuary's precise location was a matter of such secrecy that not even the Sky Marshal was allowed to know. Following the invasion of earth, Sanctuary finally served its purpose; millions upon millions of traumatized Terrans were funneled onto the planet's surface in the wake of total devastation. A 'fallback' in the event that the cradle of humanity was ever compromised by extraterrestrial threat, Sanctuary would be just that; an ace up the human race's sleeve were earth to ever fall to alien hands. 


However, history would have different plans. In the hands of Admiral O'Brian, Sanctuary and the FFHQ would be fortified to incredible lengths leading up to the climax of the Civil War. Using their seizure of humanity's military center and contingency plan to legitimize their claim as the 'true' Federation, O'Brian's militant faction became eponymous with the planet itself. 


After the system-hopping campaign through Sanctuary space, a final confrontation was destined to occur between the final defenders of Sanctuary proper and the combined Fleet and Mobile Infantry presence of the Mobile Infantry. But it wasn't until the Progenitor Ark arrived midway through the battle that the FFHQ was sent falling out of its orbit. Falling with leagues of decimated Sanctuary and Coalition spacecraft alike, the wreck slammed into the Siemel Mountains near Madura Point. The impact was reportedly heard up to 3,000 km away. Following the blast was a massive plume of dust and debris that darkened the sky for nearly two hours after the initial hit. Not shortly after the FFHQ fell was O'Brian and her seditious cadre captured and sent to face justice in Iskander.





After its brush with the Ark, vital areas of FFHQ were blown asunder. Reclamation for Fleet has been arduous and time consuming.



With the anniversary of the battle nearing in the months ahead, the rehabilitation of the FFHQ remains a high priority for the Federation following reunification. Military personnel and crew work day and night to comb through the ravines and crags of the Siemel Mountains for vital pieces of the former nucelus of the Federation's muscle. Fleet researchers estimate that a full restoration of the station to pre-war conditions runs upwards of 70 trillion pounds. Nevertheless, significant progress has been made in reviving the once-proud station to its former glory. To O'Brian's credit, analysts postulate that without the extensive bolstering of the FFHQ's defenses, any attempt at complete or partial restoration would be completely off the table. According to Sky Marshal Ortiz, the restored station will be launched by the end of the 23rd century. 



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