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Ajax Drivas


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Basic Information:

Ajax Drivas




112th Morita's, Bently's Bastards.


Dexsia Drivas - Mother


True Good

Hair color:

Eye color:

Lean, proportioned.

Senior specialist

Had a relatively relaxed life, balanced out by the attitude that fleet had taught his mother. Never knew his father, a subject he never felt comfortable with speaking to Dexsia about. Graduated highschool with technical honors, would work on a Karrusian farm for a short period before enlisting. Fought in multiple battles, gaining a combat action medal and successfully completing his first term with flying colors. He would shortly apply, and be accepted, for the Marauder Program.


Strength: 10
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 30
Intelligence: 10
Charisma: 10

Misc. Attributes:
Kind-hearted to a fault.

Combat Rating: 8.5/10

Pain/Health: 6/10

Wealth: Middle-class

Character Description: Hair is longer than what most people have, but still well within regulation. Fairly fit, with a lean build due. He wears a casual smile. Recent conflict has brought many new scars all along his body. Bright Green eyes.

comes off to most as approachable; at least, from what he's seen. Usually there to help. Extremely dedicated.

Received a combat action medal and good conduct medal.


Never fixing his relationship with Wade Simons, Never getting to know Ajay Arsenal, leaving Barnes on a bad note in their relationship.

Personal Relationships

--[[Federation Mobile Infantry]]--

Aaron Holtz - I'm not sure how we became such close friends, but the Staff Sergeant has been there for all of us for a long time, from what I can gather. He's barely a year older than me, and yet he's like the Father I never had. I look up to him, and come to him whenever I need help. Sometimes, I don't even have to ask.
Roki Bosanac - A good friend, with his quirks. Competent though, and really suportive.

Steven Hartcourt - I don't know him very well, but hes a friendly enough man. I'll have to talk to him at some point.
Well, that idea came and went. Stay safe...
Noemi Roseangela - You're Hecle's girl. You're kind-hearted, short, and have done more for others than many have. You're a good person, and you're good for him. I'll fight for you til my last breath.
Oliver Stanley - A good guy, far as I can tell, and looking for someone to hold onto. Lost his leg already, and I hope to bring him from the brink before something much worse happens. I'm keeping my eyes on you, brother.

--[[Federation Engineering Division]]--

Hecle Phan - He's probably one of my best friends. A good drinking buddy, and reliable. I need to learn more about him; I don't really know him that well.

Seraphine "Sunny" Von Strattmann - She's told me her story of Berlin. It hurts knowing how broken she is, and I wish I could put her back together. As it stands, she's like a sister to me. I'll always be there for her.

Maxwell DeVries - I don't know them very well, but they seem like a kind sort. They're as fucked by the Algae as I am, but without anyone to comfort them at night. I hope you get better, you seem like a nice man.

Naomi Reel - I'm a faithful man, I know I am. I love Lisa, but even then.... Naomi, You're more important to me than I think you realize, even if we have talked about this.



--[[Federation Hospital Corps]]--

Erhart "Runt" Von Strattmann- I met him before I met his sister. They where drunk, and fighting, and I helped get him away. Afterwards, we talked about the issue; and from that point forward, we've been good friends. Similar to Sunny, he feels like a brother to me, and just like his sister, I'll be there for him whenever he needs it.

--[[Federation Marauders]]--

Katsuki Ito - I don't know how exactly, but you and I and close. Like many others, you are my sister. But compared to the others? We couldn't be closer. I will watch over you and protect you so long as I am breathing.

--[[Federation Fleet]]--

Lisa 'Cobra' White - No matter what stripes you wear, my love, I will be there for you. we've been through so much together, and I don't regret one thing that has happened between us. I love you.

Carson Sawyer - She's a good friend, probably my favorite in fleet after Lisa. Even with the rank gap, there's enough there I can talk to her comfortably and seek her counsel. If thing's had been a bit different...?

--[[Federation Provost Corps (Marines)]]--



--[[The Fallen, Forgotten, Transferred]]--
Ajay Arsenal - I'm sorry I couldn't of gotten to know you before you had to go. I'm sorry. I'll start tallying Royal's alongside the Tankers.

Wade Simons - You where an asshole, Simons. But you where a good rival, and still dependable on the field. I've started taking a record on the number of Tankers killed afterwards; the number is steadily going up. Godspeed, Mega milk.
Shane Emmet - I miss you, brother. Ortiz will die, that I will make sure.
Oliver Stanley - Well... At least you're no longer suffering from a broken heart.
Edited by jtfang
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