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Famous Military Unit Sets Capital Planet Ablaze

Admyral Joe

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Famous Military Unit Sets Capital Planet Ablaze


 Firefighters on the planet of Iskander struggle to put out a vast forest fire almost twenty four hours after members of the Military Unit: The 112th went to a small village for a respite from their deployments. 


The 112th are under the command of General Larsen, who is currently on Iskander to face a court martial on charges of murder. Analysts believe this forest fire, with the estimated timing to be mere hours after the announcement of this fact, to have been an attempt to interfere with the Court Martial. While there have been no official calls for the 112th to return and face an inquest, local officials have officially announced the start of the forest fire "suspicious" and are demanding action to be taken. 


This action is just one of many which have caused stirs in the Federation for one of the most decorated units in the Federation, which had been on many of the hardest fronts over the past three years, ranging from the fall of Earth, the Civil War & the Progenitors genocidal campaign, to the recent recapture of Scarvis. 


Update 1: A statement has been made to the Iskander Herald from Lieutenant Colonel Sebastian Bently, Hero of the Federation  and the head of the 112th Battalion's Alpha Company. It reads as such "In regards to the recent fires on Iskander, I can say that, unfortunately, a member of our Company had a minor involvement. A single tree was set on fire, as confirmed by eye witnesses and a Psychic evaluation of the events. However, the single tree was put out and the forest was left in a safe state upon our departure. I'd like to wish the brave Firefighters good luck and extend our own gratitude for their work keeping the beautiful planet of Iskander safe. I would also like to clarify that these incidents had no correlation to the trial of General Larsen. We can say, with certainty, that he does not need our help in proving himself innocent of a crime he has not commit, and we hope to see him back on our ship soon." 


The Iskander Herald is a registered third party news vendor, authorized under docket number 161, and protected under section (6)(2) of the Iskander Accords, which permits a limited number of approved third party organisations the right to publish news independent of the Federal state. Any complaints should be directed to the Regulation of Press Committee, Federal Council, ISK SW1A 1AA

Edited by Admyral Joe
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