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Invasion of Tango Urilla

Admyral Joe

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Tango Urilla is under siege.


Arachnid forces have arrived en masse in a surprise assault with a fleet of biological space ships deploying hundreds of thousands of Arachnids to the surface. The Governor, Ellen Roark, has announced a state of emergency and has recalled all forces on the million-large colony to Altair City whilst also calling on the populace to do the same.




The initial casualties are unknown though are expected to count in the thousands. With the annihilation of the remaining Arachnids some months prior, the infantry complements on the planet were reallocated to different battle zones. It is also unknown as to why the Arachnid forces suddenly descended on the planet.


Local forces in the neighbouring systems are assembling to provide reinforcements to the system, however sources believe that it could take upwards of a week to mobilize a proportionate response, which may take too long given the frightening speed and ferocity that the Arachnid army is cutting through the planet. 



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