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Isobella Eriksen


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Basic Information:

Name: Isobella Eriksen
Age: 18
.B: 05/09/2279
Gender: Female
Affiliation: United Citizen Federation

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Homeworld: Terra

Hair Colour: Blonde

Eye Colour: Blue

Rank: Private First Class


Strength: 16/20
Dexterity: 18/20
Constitution: 13/20
Intelligence: 13/20
Wisdom: 6/20
Charisma: 15/20

Federal Service Record:


1997JUN27: Enlistment into the Mobile Infantry, placed thrpugh Basic Training.

1997SEP20: Passing of Basic training, transferred to UCF-BC-291 'Ulysses Grant'

1997OCT10: Promotion to Private.

1997OCT11: Promotion to Private First Class.



Personal Relationships
Relations: Loved|Like Family, Brethren|Respected|Friends|Aquaintance|Neutral|Dislikes|Hates|Fears

Johnathan Price: He's dead. I don't know what to say and what to think, I'm stuck.

Emily Ziola: I'm genuinely scared of that Officer. One person that I'm definitely avoiding any altercations with...

Chase McKnight A medic with a big mouth. I don't hate him personally and I wouldn't mind a chat but he's a bit of a fuckhead.

Sean Ricardson: A bloke which looks like a mountain from his fucking height. His music is pretty torturous but I don't mind him I guess.

Valerie Faust: A Lance, she seems nice. We should talk more often however.

Jamie Northcutt: First guy to hit on me on the Grant. He seems like a good guy to talk to, shame that I barely see him around. I respect him for hitting on me.

Kaelam Sentoniel: An OG lad since the beginning, a great friend and tried to save my brother in his final moments. I hope he's alright.

Annabelle Thacker: She seems like an alright trooper, haven't spoken much though to be honest.

Sebastian Bently: A new dude to the Mobile Infantry. Obviously competent as he's made it to Sergeant. Chatted and he seems like a sound dude.

William St. Claire: Never spoken, don't know much about him.




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